Video Statements by WB Ministers during the R&I Days

Western Balkans' Ministers in charge for Science and Research addressed Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and fellow Western Balkan Ministers and stakeholders during the Towards an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkan session at the European Research and Innovation Days 2020, 24 September 2020.

Find below the links to the official video statements:


The Western Balkans are a strategic priority for the EU. In preparation towards EU membership, R&I and Horizon Europe Association trigger changes contributing to wider reforms. The Western Balkans Agenda and its actions aim to set out a new positive and forward-looking vision for the region.

Document type
  • Other


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • EC
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on October 1, 2020
Modified on October 1, 2020