FINAL ENVRIplus report

ENVRIplus project is officially over. And it left a huge amount of results behind. Through an organisation of a very large number of activities, workshops, internal and external consultations, they managed to create many new tools and services mainly for the benefits of the participating Research Infrastructures.

ENVRIplus confirmed that:

  1. Collaborative development saves effort, resources, and creates better services
  2. Coordination of heterogenous environmental Research Infrastructure field has great potential
  3. “Soft” developments can be extremely beneficial for the impact of the Research Infrastructures
  4. Joint strategic actions make the ENVRIResearch Infrastructures better suited for societal and science impact

See the final ENVRIplus report and explore the main results as well as their exploitation and dissemination.

original source: FINAL ENVRIplus report – ENVRIplus

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Prepared by Ari Asmi Magdalena Brus Paolo Laj and Werner Kutsch on behalf of ENVRI PLUS consortium
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Admin on November 28, 2019
Modified on November 28, 2019