Synthesis on bioeconomy monitoring systems in the EU Member States - indicators for monitoring the progress of bioeconomy

The EC review report of the EU Bioeconomy strategy concluded the need for better monitoring and assessment frameworks, “new actions are needed to develop relevant indicators and scientific evidence for policy making, and to implement a more holistic monitoring and assessment framework” (EC 2017). However, up to now, there is no commonly agreed set of indicators to measure the bioeconomy at EU level.
This report presents an overview of existing bioeconomy strategies, policies or related initiatives and indicators to monitor and assess these at EU MS level, and the importance of existing bioeconomy sectors at national level. Furthermore, it presents the existing or needed most suitable bioeconomy key indicators and related indicators, and their respective data availability, for assessing and monitoring the progress of a bioeconomy at national level. The identified most suitable bioeconomy indicators important and feasible at the national context, can contribute to the further discussions when setting the frame for the development of a common EU bioeconomy monitoring system.

Find the report and more information here

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on November 14, 2018
Modified on November 14, 2018