Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans

Regional cooperation in the Western Balkans has demonstrated its viability in the last two decades. This paper offers a short analysis of the general constellation and main players and mechanisms of cooperation, as well as the chronology, existing challenges, obstacles, and prospects for its further development.
Regional cooperation is today carried out in three main tracks: first, the EU boosts the cooperation in the region, both politically and financially, in a large number of fields. This is done by regular statements, through many political and technical meetings with the representatives of the countries of the region, and by launching and supporting numerous regional organizations.

Second, there are plenty of functioning regional organizations and initiatives; many of them are indigenous and emerging from the need to establish and regulate cooperation in certain fields.
Third, the Berlin Process is the newest track in which regional cooperation is carried out. It bridged a gap in the EU-Western Balkan relations providing a needed boost to the lethargic enlargement process by additional incentives to the regional cooperation.
It has also offered a chance to a huge regional resource - civil society - to engage more and address issues which are not appropriately considered by administrations, contributing to the democratization,reconciliation and adoption of European values in the societies of the Western Balkans.

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Document type
  • Research paper


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on September 4, 2018
Modified on September 4, 2018