Final report of BOHEMIA foresight project

The European Commission has published the final report of the BOHEMIA project, the main EU strategic foresight study to support future EU policy in research and innovation. 

The authors of the report "Transitions on the Horizon: Perspectives for the European Union’s future research and innovation policies" summarise key policy recommendations and identify 19 likely future scenarios with disruptive implications and associated priority directions for EU research and innovation.

The recommendations are as follows:

  • EU research and innovation policies must be transformative
  • Anticipation and preparation need to be at the heart of research and innovation policy
  • Public engagement and evidence is needed.

The 19 likely future scenarios with disruptive implications and associated priority directions for EU research and innovation include the desirable, challenges and threats e.g. assisted living, bioeconomy, cheap renewable energy.

BOHEMIA study final report

More information BOHEMIA website


Document type
  • Discussion paper
  • Report
  • Research paper


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on June 21, 2018
Modified on November 16, 2018