Analysis of Horizon Europe Proposal by the European University Association

A detailed analysis of the European Commission’s proposal for the Ninth Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe) was recently conducted by the EUA. The Association compared the proposal to its recommendations and produced detailed input for policy makers involved in the design and negotiating process.

The main points highlighted in the text focus on the importance of investing in research and innovation; minimising discrepancies across the EU and aligning EU policies for education, research and innovation. The analysis is divided into two parts: one that presents European universities’ response to the underlying principles and the structure of Horizon Europe; and one that highlights the Association’s stance on the Rules for Participation.

EUA analysis of Horizon Europe proposal

Info -source

Document type
  • Discussion paper


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on June 18, 2018
Modified on June 18, 2018