Why fund research? A guide to why EU-funded research and innovation matters

How much of EU's next budget should go to research and innovation?

This guide is designed to inform the above discussions by laying out the case for expenditure on research and innovation. In the past decade, as science and technology funding around the world has climbed, the number of economic studies of R&I policy has risen even faster; there is by now a sizeable body of literature, on which this report draws. We have also drawn on the views of our members – the more than 50 universities, companies and publics ector organisations that belong to the Science|Business Network (though, as with all our reports, this document does not necessarily reflect the views of any individual member), as well as our Big Science report (Science Business Publishing, 2015).

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Document type
  • Other


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on March 7, 2018
Modified on March 7, 2018