Removing obstacles to EU accession: Bilateral disputes in the Western Balkans

"The EU accession countries of the Western Balkans (WB6) have come along way since the wars of the 1990s. Besides progress at the individualcountry level, the emphasis within the EU accession framework upon regionalcooperation and good-neighbourly relations has contributed to an overallstrengthening of relations between the WB6 and their EU neighbours.Nonetheless, the persistence of unresolved bilateral disputes – some open,some only potential – poses a real risk of renewed instability by delayingEU integration and distracting from domestic reforms. It is thereforecrucial that on-going international engagement with the region focus ontackling outstanding bilateral issues, both in their own right and in viewof removing potential obstacles in the countries’ path towards EU entry.Adopting a proactive approach now will not only lend credibility to the EU’sand its member states’ commitment to long-term stability and prosperityin the region, but also help avoid potential further complications once themembership negotiations with the remaining EU hopefuls pick up speedagain. Furthermore, it will also enhance the credibility of the EU as bothbeing effective in conflict resolution and in ensuring that the accessionprocess is merit-based and not overshadowed by the eruption of bilateralissues on the enlargement agenda."

The full document is available here.


Document type
  • Policy/Strategy


Publication Year


Nikola Dimitrov, Marika Djolai, Natasha Wunsch.
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on May 11, 2016
Modified on May 13, 2016