Innovation and Inclusive Development: A Discussion of the Main Policy Issues

Inclusive development is a key policy priority since growth processes have not always helped lowerincome groups. Innovation is a major driver of growth and its relationship with inequalities in income and opportunities raises some important policy questions: Do innovation and the resulting technological change necessarily lead to increased inequalities? Do policies aimed at supporting innovation foster inequalities? To what extent can innovation be mobilised to improve the life conditions of the lower income groups? These questions are the basis of this report, which, prepared for the OECD-DST Conference on Innovation for Inclusive Development, reviews the existing evidence in response.

These questions are the basis of this report, which addresses a number of policy-relevant themes around “innovation and inclusive development” and reviews answers that have so far been proposed. It provided background reflection for the Conference on Innovation for Inclusive Development organised by the OECD and South Africa’s Department for Science and Technology on 21 November 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa. The project was carried out in cooperation with the OECD Programme on Higher Education and Research for Development (IHERD).

Source: OECD

Document type
  • Other


Publication Year


Caroline Paunov
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on February 5, 2013
Modified on February 5, 2013