Innovation Union – Austrian Status Report 2012

“Innovation Union“ is one of the seven Flagship Initiatives aiming at implementing the Europe 2020 Strategy. It is a strategic and comprehensive concept understanding innovation in a broad sense and as a greater political goal. In a medium to long-term approach, all political instruments, measures and funds should be planned with a view to their contribution to innovation from the outset. Political concepts of the EU, Member States and Regions should be aligned with each other and mutually reinforce each other. The highest political level of the EU, the European Council, formulates the strategic agenda and monitors progress on a regular basis.

The European Commission proposed 34 commitments in its “Innovation Union”- Communication of October 2010 which has been endorsed by the European Council in February 2011.
The Austrian Innovation Union Status Report provides an overview on where Austria stands with implementing the 34 commitments in 2012. Depending on the problem addressed, responsibilities for the implementation of the commitments vary from European Commission to Member States or regional level. With the implementation of the National Strategy for Research, Technology and Innovation, Austria will strengthen its performance in research & innovation and aims to move forward to become part of the group of innovation leaders by 2020.

Source: Innovation Union – Austrian Status Report 2012

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on January 11, 2013
Modified on January 11, 2013