Excellence, Equality and Entrepreneurialism Building Sustainable Research Careers in the European Research Area

This is the report of an independent Expert Group (EG) convened by the European Commission (EC). The overall objective of the EG was to support the European Research Area (ERA) Framework Impact Assessment by focussing on the areas that impact on an open and competitive single labour market for researchers.

Global competition for the best research talents is growing. The European Union (EU), therefore, needs to make strong progress in improving career prospects for researchers and creating conditions for their mobility between research sectors and across national borders. This will help ensure an adequate supply of researchers and enhance the quality of EU research. Thus, a comprehensive and coordinated approach is required to create a genuine European labour market for researchers in which supply and demand are balanced and where researchers across the EU would benefit from the right training, attractive career conditions and the removal of barriers to mobility. In 2008, Member States agreed with the European Commission (EC) to implement a new partnership for researchers, the European Partnership for Researchers (EPR)1. Member States endorsed the common European framework proposed by the EC as reference for developing national action plans. The partnership was designed to strengthen national ownership and to achieve, by the end of 2010, rapid and measurable progress.


Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Martin Hynes (Chair), Louise Ackers (Rapporteur), Sveva Avveduto, Ester Basri,Emmanuel Boudard, Laura Cruz Castro, Jerzy Langer, Marcela Linkova, Beate Scholz, Reinhilde Veugelers, Eero Vuorio. Ms. Laura Marin contributed to the work.
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on December 21, 2012
Modified on December 21, 2012