International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation: Strategies for a Changing World

Report of the Expert Group established to support the further development of an EU international STI cooperation strategy "International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation: Strategies for a Changing World" has been published.

The main message coming from the Expert Group is that the EU urgently needs a collaborative and integrated strategy for international cooperation in STI. With this in mind several recommendations are launched:
1. The strategy should focus on promoting European attractiveness as an international research and innovation hub and partner in order to strengthen European competitiveness and prosperity
2. Theme- and problem-oriented prioritization is needed rather than geographic; Grand Challenges as a clear prioritization tool should be mainstreamed also in the international dimension. Prioritization of international collaboration should follow closely the priorities of the EU’s core research and innovation programmes, while the geographical approach should be the core of an implementation strategy
3. Make the Horizon 2020 truly open and attractive to the best and brightest in the world allowing European actors to work with the best brains wherever they are
4. The international perspective needs to be more fully integrated into ’regular’ programmes at EU level

5. Variable geometry should be exploited to the full, with flexible arrangements (within EU and with countries outside EU) including multilateral platforms for strategic cooperation. Variable geometry initiatives should also build on lead initiatives by individual Member States that expand their successful bilateral activities to several European partners
6. A strong focus on firms and innovation is needed. This has not been properly addressed before and it requires a new/different approach; there are fundamental differences in drivers of international cooperation between academia and industry and between research and innovation
7. Reinforce efforts to strengthen framework conditions for and removal of barriers to international cooperation
8. Design targeted initiatives for strengthening cooperation in selected (prioritized) areas: these can be multilateral, bilateral, and unilateral. The key criteria should be achieving benefits for European stakeholders, effectively address global, grand challenges, and support the Union’s external policies
9. All initiatives must be based on more evidence- or analysis-based decision-making, including forward looking analysis to inform decision making about likely trends and future changes and systematic exchange of experiences.

Source: EC Report

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation Unit D2 — North America, Latin America and Caribbean
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on December 21, 2012
Modified on December 21, 2012