Strategy for the development of research and innovation 2020: Knowledge Moldova

Implementation in the Republic of Moldova of the components of the “knowledge triangle” – education-research-innovation is an imperative for the country’s development process.
Given that education has been declared as a national priority, it is necessary to fortify the role of research and innovation and to develop a strategic vision regarding production and application of knowledge. Thus, research-innovation becomes an instrument for long lasting economic growth and a mechanism for social cohesion and population prosperity.
The European strategic framework - “Europe 2020” regards research and innovation as a pillar for economic development and competitiveness of the European economies. The same idea can be found in national strategic documents of the EU member states. Allocation by the European Commission, in July 2012, of a record budget of 80 billion euros for research activities, within the framework of EU’s FP7 for science, technological development and demonstrative activities, proves the commitment of EU institutions as well as of the member states regarding the economic revival and creation of new jobs based on research and innovation activities.

This Strategy includes 9 chapters:

- Introduction

- The Global Trends in Research Governing

- Strategic Vision on Research and Innovation

- Research and Innovation Sector Development Objectives

- Internationalization and Regional Cooperation

- Science and Society

- Measures to Achieve Specific Objectives

- Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

- Risks and Security Measures

Email by Sergiu Porcescu, Representative of Academy of Sciences of Moldova to the European Institutions

Document type
  • Policy/Strategy


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on November 5, 2012
Modified on November 5, 2012