How to deal with IP-related issues in transnational negotiations

The European IPR Helpdesk has published a new fact sheet dedicated to transnational negotiations.

Negotiating intellectual property (IP) transactions is not an easy task and can be extremely demanding. In order to avoid common missteps, there are some considerations that any person negotiating IP assets should bear in mind. First and foremost, as negotiations are deemed to start before sitting at the negotiating table, preparing oneself carefully beforehand proves to be fundamental for beneficial and successful discussions. For this reason, this new fact sheet has the purpose of getting you prepared not only during the process but well in advance.

Therefore, this document aims to focus on some of the key aspects related to IP asset negotiations, mainly at transnational level, where the negotiating parties’ objectives are broader, given the breadth of the marketplace. Although all the following aspects are generally considered crucial when negotiating an IP transaction, they should nevertheless pertain to the type of agreement you are dealing with and address the transaction specific issues.

Document type
  • Practical Advice/Guide


Publication Year


The European IPR Helpdesk
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on October 3, 2012
Modified on October 3, 2012