A European strategy for Key Enabling Technologies – A bridge to growth and jobs (EC Communication)

The Commission in its Communication "Current situation of key enabling technologies in Europe" SEC(2009)1257  that explains why advanced materials, nanotechnology, micro- and nano-electronics, biotechnology and photonics have been identified as priority areas for improving European industrial competitiveness.

The Communication set up a high-level expert group tasked with developing a shared longer term strategy and action plan on the identified KETs. This group was launched by Vice-Presidents Antonio Tajani, Neelie Kroes and Commissioner Maíre Geoghegan-Quinn on 13 July 2010 with a mandate of one year. The group presented its final report to the Commission on the 28 June 2011.

The Communication outlines ten policy areas which need to be addressed, including focusing innovation policy more on KETs, promoting more EU-wide technology transfer, as well as more joint strategic programming and demonstration projects, not to mention greater international co-operation. The European Commission also recommends the harnessing of targeted and fair state aid policy, lead markets, public procurement and venture capital financing as ways of stimulating key enabling technologies.

Furthermore, the Commission suggests that KETs should be linked closely to climate change policies and be placed at the top of the EU’s international trade agenda to promote KETs and avoid trade distortions. Skills, higher education and training are also crucial priorities in the rapidly changing world of cutting-edge technology.

Moreover, in the Communication the Communication called for an intensified exchange of experiences and best practices between EU Member States and with other high-technology regions. For this purpose, the Commission has launched a following studies: "Cross-sectoral analysis of the impact of international industrial policy on Key Enabling Technologies" and "Exchange of good policy practices promoting the industrial uptake and deployment of Key Enabling Technologies".

Document type
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Report


Publication Year


European Commission
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 1, 2012
Modified on August 1, 2012