CfP: Understanding Border Securitization in Contemporary Societies

Publication date
September 6, 2021
September 30, 2021
Short description

Call for papers

Understanding Border Securitization in Contemporary Societies

18-20 November 2021

Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Border securitization remains a salient issue for many countries in the context of recent domestic and international political developments. Important waves of transnational migration, the management of post-conflict areas, problematic transitions to democracy, the spread of terror attacks, the emergence of unconventional threats have contributed to a broad debate about the direction and intensity of border securitization in contemporary societies. The meaning of border securitization changes over time, its causes are complex, its functions vary across settings and its consequences are often under-explored.

This conference aims to bring together works addressing any of these four elements of border securitization: the understanding, causes, functioning and consequences. The event will gather a group of 30 researchers working on these topics in order to facilitate the knowledge sharing and a better understanding of current events. The organizers strive for a balance between established academics, early career scholars (PhD candidates may also apply) and practitioners. We encourage theoretical, empirical or methodological papers on any aspects related to developments and approaches in the field of border securitization. Papers can cover any country or region of the world, there are no limitations in terms of geographical focus.


The conference is intended to take place face to face. Depending on the COVID-19 regulations, we may host it in a hybrid or completely on-line format.


Costs and application

There is no conference fee. The organizers will provide accommodation and meals for the entire duration of the conference. Authors should fill in the application form (available at until 30 September 2021 (applications received after deadline will not be reviewed).


More details about the event are available at:

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on September 10, 2021
Modified on September 10, 2021