Call for Applications: Basic Journalism Training for High School Students

Publication date
August 13, 2021
August 31, 2021
Short description

As part of the EU-supported “Solidifying the Resilience of Kosovo’s Current and Future Journalists” project, BIRN Kosovo is seeking students from Kosovo’s public high schools interested in undergoing training in media production, media literacy and tackling fake news. In June 2021, two training sessions from the same program were held with a total of 35 high school students from Gjilan and Ferizaj.

There is currently a promising generation of high school students in Kosovo who have the talent, creative ideas and willingness to engage in investigative journalism, but the media lacks a specific platform to provide these students the chance to express their skills through writing and community reporting.

In order to capitalize on the interest in journalism among young people, and in an attempt to plug the gap in the education system, BIRN Kosovo will organize eight (8) additional training sessions for high school students in a program that aims to nurture young talent by mentoring students in the production of videos, photos and articles in order to achieve the main goal of the activity which is to lay the path for increased independence, transparency, accountability and civic engagement.

The training sessions will introduce the students to journalism, including topics like journalistic language and concepts, reporting standards, photography tips, production materials for video content, video editing, investigative journalism, ethics and author’s rights.

At the end of each training session, youngsters from high schools across Kosovo will pitch their journalistic ideas, which the BIRN team will collect and thoroughly analyse before selecting a minimum of 60 video and article ideas that will be published on the online platform KallxoRinia. The production process for all of these articles will be overseen by a team of BIRN Kosovo editors.

Who can apply?

Students attending Social Studies departments at Kosovo’s public high schools of the regions such as: Prishtina, Mitrovica, Prizren, Gorazdveac within the Peja region, Gjakova, Drenas, Malisheva and Rahovec.

The number of participants is limited in each training session due to restrictions preventing the spread of COVID-19. A maximum 25 participants per training will be selected.

How to apply?

Please fill in the form provided in the link below:

Deadline for applications: 10:00 (C.E.T.) on August 31, 2021

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Kosovo*
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on August 27, 2021
Modified on August 27, 2021