Call for papers: Tirana Observatory Fall 2020, International Conference December 2020

Publication date
September 1, 2020
October 31, 2020
Short description

Three decades after the fall of communism and the dismantling of a Stalinist regime that crippled and isolated Albanians for half a century, Albania looks remarkably different. In the main Tirana boulevard, exactly where a huge statue of Stalin stood in the past, there is now an equally large NATO flag, symbolizing Albania’s membership in the Alliance. The general trend of change in Albania after the fall of the communist regime has indeed been marked by extraordinary political, economic and social transformation. Now, the Albania that we see ‘flagged’ on our streets is clearly oriented towards the West, towards democracy, towards the European Union.

Despite the progress made towards a functional democracy and market economy, however, Albania can only showcase symbolic achievements. 

Many of the characteristics of Albania’s democratization can no longer be called transitional. Weak or failing institutions, eroding legitimacy of political institutions, distrust of political parties, consolidating corruption and sustained political tensions can no longer be considered temporary distortions or symptoms of a transition towards democracy.

A process of deeper election and analysis, of stock-taking and interpretation of the multiple challenges and difficulties that have persisted longer than expected is very much needed as the transition passes its thirtieth anniversary mark.

To that end, the Albanian Institute for International Studies will dedicate its next number of the Tirana Observatory to articles oriented towards the nonpartisan identification and understanding of trends and patterns as primary tools to inform the future. We invite all scholars, experts and authors to put forward their proposals for contributions for the sections In-depth and Perspective of our publication. ( )

Pending overall public health conditions, AIIS will organize an international conference with the same topic at the end of this year.

Interested authors should write to  to receive the full text of the Call. Full details will be available also on our website: 

Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 31, 2020.  

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on September 17, 2020
Modified on September 17, 2020