Share your opinion on the future of research and innovation and the European Research Area

Publication date
July 1, 2020
August 3, 2020
Short description

The European Research Area (ERA) aims to strengthen the coordination, quality and impact of the research and innovation ecosystem in the EU and in Member States. The communication will therefore aim to relaunch the European Research Area in order to make it future-proof and enable to address the major challenges related to the twin digital and green transition, and increase Europe’s resilience, following the Covid-19 crisis.

This roadmap is open for feedback for 4 weeks. Feedback will be taken into account for further development and fine tuning of the initiative. The Commission will summarise the input received in a synopsis report explaining how the input will be taken on board and, if applicable, why certain suggestions can't be taken up. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules.

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on July 7, 2020
Modified on July 7, 2020