Call for Papers for the SPECIAL ISSUE of the Journal of European and Balkan Perspectives

Publication date
April 1, 2020
August 31, 2020
Short description

Journal of European and Balkan Perspectives is welcoming researchers, academia members, and PhD Candidates to publish their recent scientific papers in the following areas:

  • European and Balkan Politics,
  • Economics,
  • Security Issues,
  • Cultural and Ethnic Studies,
  • Environmental Policies and Challenges in the Balkan Countries. 
The Journal's goal is to gather valid and scientifically verified findings that will enable the implementation of a rational and acceptable solution for social challenges and issues.

All authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help us shape the Journal by submitting their scientific, review and professional papers based on original and unpublished work.

Deadlines for sending papers: 31.03 and 31.08 in the current year.

Papers are to be submitted by the propositions given in the call ( in electronic version to the official e-mail of the Journal of European and Balkan Perspectives

The Journal of European and Balkan Perspectives is published by the Center for International and Development Studies in Skopje. 

Center for International and Development Studies in Skopje' vision is a contribution for social, economic and environmental development and improvement of all segments of societies; designing creative solutions for future perspectives of all citizens and states; contribution to promoting of moral values of all citizens, without prejudices, stereotypes, and discrimination; improving political and peaceful political conscious and culture of the citizens.     

Center for International and Development Studies in Skopje' mission is: publishing Journal of European and Balkan Perspectives in which scholars and practitioners would publish their newest findings and results from their researches in the thematic areas in the relevance of the Journal; and publishing periodical policy papers (weekly or monthly) for proposing solutions for social, security, legal, economical and environmental issues.
  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on April 1, 2020
Modified on April 1, 2020