Horizon Impact Award 2020

Publication date
March 2, 2020
April 2, 2020
Short description

European Commission has launched the Horizon Impact Award 2020. Applications will remain open until 2 April 2020.

What is the Horizon Impact Award?

This award is the European Commission's initiative to recognise and celebrate outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society. These projects must have been funded by FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 funding programmes and they must be closed by the time of application.

Award value

5 awards of €10,000 each

The winners will be invited to European Research and Innovation Days hosted in Brussels, which will include a selected audience of high-level representatives and promoters of innovation in industry and the public sector.

The Horizon Impact Award will provide the winners with high visibility in the form of public interest and increased media coverage.

The Commission will further promote the winners by inviting them to provide testimony at other major events.

Award criteria

The applications must address the following cumulative criteria:

  • From results to societal benefits - proven link between funded project results to their uptake and creation of societal benefits.
    Applicants must demonstrate that they have directly exploited their research and innovation results or have played an active role in the uptake of the results by third parties.
    The direct and indirect exploitation of results can take many forms among which are influencing policy change, commercialising a service or product, creating a start-up/spin-off, creating a new standard and more.
    The results should also benefit or address a well-defined target audience.
  • Impact - potential longer-term impact for society, the economy and/or policymaking
    Applicants must demonstrate how the uptake of their research results has helped solve a societal challenge and generate economic, societal, environmental or policy impact.


Two different panels of experts will evaluate applications

  • internal European Commission experts for the eligibility check and pre-selection
  • external high-level experts for final selection

How to apply

Participants can apply for the contest online via the Funding and Tenders Portal. The full details are explained in the following documents.

Original source: https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/funding/funding-opportunities/prizes/horizon-impact-award_en


  • Horizon Europe / H2020
Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on March 2, 2020
Modified on March 2, 2020