Call for Papers: International Scientific Conference "Towards a Better Future: Human Rights, Organized Crime and Digital Society - Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia, 15-17 May, 2020

Publication date
December 5, 2019
February 15, 2020
Short description

Faculty of Law, University “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola announces the Call for Papers to be presented at the Conference

The purpose of the Conference is to provide an international forum to present and discuss the latest developments, to share views and ideas, as well as to establish research collaborations and networking, in order to adequately respond to contemporary challenges within the areas covered by the Conference.

Prospective authors are invited to electronically submit their papers in English to:

Conference Overview:
Human rights are universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. In the year when the European convention on human rights celebrates 70 years since its signing in November, 1950 in Rome, unfortunately despite the development and modern evolution in every aspect of social life, we have to be constantly reminded of equality and the connection of human rights with all human beings, regardless of their individual characteristics. Today, human rights are a category which is the aim of constant restriction, disrespect, negation, non-recognition. To what extent is a human being ready to respect the benefits of his evolution? Are human rights often just words on paper, and their guarantees only obligations that states and other entities manage to bypass?
At the same time, organized crime is one of the "benefits" of human development, primarily of the technical and technological evolution. The positive effects of the changes on daily life through open borders, the free flow of people and goods, organized crime groups have skillfully turned into relief for their illicit activities. On the other hand, some criminal groups use the inclusion of public office holders in their ranks; have embedded themselves in the social structure which prevents radical change for the better. Are states capable of countering human greed that enables organized crime to smoothly destroy the hope for social change? To what extent do certain societies have an interest in breaking the links between organized crime groups and the state structure? And are there sometimes two different sides of the same coin?
Modern society is associated with the constant flow and acceptance of information and communication technologies at home, in the workplace, in the process of education, even in recreational activities. By facilitating a relieve for day-to-day responsibilities, but also their significant acceleration and achieving better quality, digitalization has enabled easier control of human rights protection, better information on their existence and guarantees, and the opportunities for assistance in situations of non-compliance; but also its increased use in their denial and disrespect. In addition, digitalization has enabled the emergence of new criminal activities, hybrid criminal entities, facilitating better access to information from organized crime groups, the way of communication, discovering new ways of committing crimes, as well as opportunities to avoid detection by the police and prosecution. Is the existence of digital society more positive than negative about many aspects of human existence and how has digitalization changed the image of the world? How long can a person survive without the help of his digital assistants?

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Dina Siegel, Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands;
Assoc. Prof. Deniz Senol Sert, Department of International Relations, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey, Jean Monnet Chair of Migration and Mobility within Europe, CHARM, and an editor of the journal International Migration;
Prof. Małgorzata Pacek, Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Important Dates:
Step 1: Abstract Submission: deadline February 15, 2020
Please, proof your abstract before submitting it via e-mail:

Step 2: Abstract acceptance notifications: deadline February 25, 2020
Once your abstract is accepted the paper preparation process begins. Please follow the Paper Guidelines.

Step 3: Paper submission: deadline March 25, 2020
Prepare your final paper in accordance with our Paper Guidelines. Papers should be sent as .doc or .docx attachments via e - mail address: Earlier submission of the papers helps us to manage the review process in a timely manner.

Step 4: Paper revision: deadline April 15, 2020
After submission, your paper will be subjected to initial screening and anonymous peer-review at least by one anonymous reviewer who will be selected by the Members of the Conference Editorial Board and you will receive confirmation on its acceptance by the April 15, 2019 via e-mail.

Step 5: Authors Registration and Fee payment: April 16 - May 5, 2020

Step 6: Conference dates: May 15 - 17, 2020

Registration Fees:
- Regular Registration Fee: 65 EUR
- MA and PhD Students Registration Fee: 35 EUR
- Paper Publication without Participation: 85 EUR

download the call for papers HERE


For more information about the Conference, please contact:

Contact e-mail:
Phone: + 389 47 221 115

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on December 5, 2019
Modified on December 5, 2019