Social Responsibility and Higher Education: A Call for Chapter Proposals

Publication date
July 23, 2019
October 31, 2019
Short description

The UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education is editing a book with a working title of Social Responsibility and Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy. The book is being prepared as a contribution to the 2021 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education.


You can access the full Call for Proposals by clicking HERE.
The book will be published as an open access publication with an option to print hard copies as desired.


Global and Gender balance

Our goal is to have a balance of authors coming from those parts of the world where the majority of people live. We are also seeking a gender balance amongst the contributions. We hope to have chapters from emerging scholars and thinkers from academia, civil society, research funding bodies and elsewhere.

Content suggestions

  • The Public Good and the Audit Culture
  • The Arts and transformative pedagogy
  • Social Infrastructure and Higher Education
  • Decolonisation of higher education
  • Indigenous Perspectives and higher education
  • Institutionalising community based participatory research
  • Turning the Tables-Critical Perspectives on Rankings
  • Community University Engagement: The Challenges Ahead
  • Mother Tongue teaching and Higher Education
  • Community Student Learning
  • Feminist Revisioning of Higher Education
  • Alternative higher education institutions
  • Regional perspectives: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Arabic-speaking states, Caribbean, US and Canada
  • Co-constructing knowledge with civil society organisations and social movements

But make your own suggestions if you have a theme/issue that you feel should be included.


Submission Process

Please submit a 350-500 word (including references) synopsis/proposal of your chapter by October 31, 2019 to Sumitra Srinavasan at  You will be informed if your proposal is accepted by January 2020. You will be required to submit an electronic copy of your full chapter (approximately 5-6000 words) to Sumitra by May 31, 2020. Publication date of December 2020/January 2021.


Specification / Themes
Social Responsibility, Higher Education, Knowledge Democracy
  • Other
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Marie Croce on October 1, 2019
Modified on October 21, 2019