GESIS Grant (Social Sciences)

Publication date
September 1, 2018
October 14, 2018
Short description

GESIS is the largest infrastructure institution for the Social Sciences in Germany. GESIS Grants offer the possibility to collaborate closely with one of our GESIS staff members on a predefined project that may involve, for example, writing a scientific paper, working on a joint research proposal, or planning an infrastructure project together to improve or expand GESIS services.

GESIS organized along five research departments that conduct research and offer research-based services on a wide range of empiris ical social research:

GESIS Grants offer the possibility to collaborate closely with one of our GESIS staff members on a predefined project that may involve, for example, writing a scientific paper, working on a joint research proposal, or planning an infrastructure project together to improve or expand GESIS services. During their stay, GESIS Grant holders are expected to actively participate in the academic activities of our institute. A report on the main achievements of the visit is expected upon completion of the stay at GESIS.

GESIS Grants reflect the wide range of GESIS’ activities. We therefore invite applications from

  1. advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs up to four years after completing their doctorate studies AND
  2. representatives of research infrastructures who hold a university degree and who work in the area of data management, information retrieval, and other GESIS services.

Applicants may apply for a stay between one week and three months in the period from March 2019 to December 2019. Successful candidates will receive a travel grant that covers travel costs (economy class flight) plus an allowance of up to 2.000 Euro per month.

Interested candidates have to apply by using our online application form to upload their CV and a cover letter describing the purpose of their visit and the expected outcomes. We recommend that applicants identify and contact at least one preferred GESIS cooperation partner prior to their application. A list of GESIS staff members can be found here. The keyword search via GESISwide Search might also be helpful.

A selection board will evaluate all applications on a competitive basis. Applicants will be informed by December 31, 2018.

Deadline for applications is October 14, 2018.

Further details on the eligibility criteria and application procedure can be found here.

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on October 12, 2018
Modified on October 12, 2018