ATTRACT – Phase 1: Call for proposals

Publication date
August 1, 2018
October 31, 2018
Short description

ATTRACT is a pioneering initiative bringing together Europe's fundamental research and industrial communities to lead the next generation of detection and imaging technologies.ATTRACT is calling for organisations to bring forward breakthrough projects on pioneering detection and imaging technologies.

Do you have a revolutionary idea about co-developing disruptive detection and imaging technologies for the advancement of science and envisioning market applications?

Read the call conditions, submit your project idea and get funding to make it real!

Who can apply?

Project proposals shall be submitted as a joint proposal by a group of at least two independent legal entities having their seat in EU or H2020-Associated Countries.

More information

The ATTRACT Open Call will only accept proposals that have peaceful purposes.

  • Horizon Europe / H2020
Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on October 11, 2018
Modified on October 11, 2018