Call for papers: Workshop 'Transnational Processes of Memory, Migration, and Identity in Europe and beyond

Publication date
June 18, 2018
September 3, 2018
Short description

The Council for European Studies’ Research Network on Transnational Memory and Identity in Europe (hereafter, CES Memory RN) invites scholars to apply for an interdisciplinary workshop on Transnational Processes of Memory, Migration, and Identity in Europe and beyond to be held on 17-18 January 2019 at the Centre for Southeast European Studies of the University of Graz.

The CES Memory RN brings together scholars who analyse transnational politics and policies of memory, processes of memory entrepreneurship, cultures of remembrance and identity construction in the context of European integration. Its aim is to foster exchange between scholars from different disciplines who are working on related subjects – including heritage, public history, political culture, communication, trauma, migration, diversity, religion – and who use memory and identity (and the tensions that come with it) as the baseline of their research.

In the forthcoming international workshop, the CES Memory RN conveners wish to explore transnational memory and identity in the context of migration - the way in which memory and identity migrate, transform, glocalize, multiply over temporal and spatial dimensions. Additionally, the event’s aim is to further understand and theoretically conceptualize how both migration of people and knowledge affect values, bias, norms and production of solidarities and hostilities among various groups.

We see memory and identity through the prism of transnationalism. In this context, three main research questions come to the fore:

(a) What kind and type of transnational processes of memory we can locate in Europe today?
(b) How do these memory processes impact on identity and belonging in a transnational setting?
(c) What type of social transformations in terms of biases, hostility, and solidarity between groups do

memory processes generate across the present borders and boundaries of Europe?

By emphasising the transnational dimension, we can move beyond the nation state as unit of analysis and explore the linkages, interconnections of memory, migration, and identity between different localities. Therefore, we look at these processes in a continuum including memory and migration processes and the way these real and virtual flows of people and ideas reshape the sense of belonging across several generations.

Graz is a meaningful location between East and West Europe and the Centre is well known for its research standing not only on Southeast Europe but on European integration processes as well.

We welcome researchers from a variety of disciplines to join us in this effort to understand further transnational memory and identity in terms of migration of people and knowledge, addressing issues such as the role that networks, generational cleavages, bias in memories, the impact of nationalist as opposed to human rights ideologies, play in identity and value formation and social inclusion.

Please send a 300-word abstract for a theoretical or empirical paper that aims at answering the above questions including your name, academic affiliation, and contact details to the following email not later than 3 September 2018. Selected speakers will be invited to prepare a full paper for a co-edited publication. Practical details about the Graz workshop will follow afterwards.

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on June 12, 2018
Modified on June 12, 2018