Call for papers: Workshop "Europe and the Everyday"

Publication date
June 12, 2018
June 15, 2018
Short description

The UACES CRN “Europe and the Everyday” (EUEve) invites proposals for its third workshop at the University of Leicester, UK. The workshop will take place on the 21st of September 2018.

After examining Europe and the politics of crisis, which engaged questions on (1) how to research Europe and the everyday (Aston University) and (2) alternative visions of Europe and challenges to liberal and democratic ideas (Canterbury Christ Church University), EUEve launches a Call for Papers on everyday experiences.
The geographic focus is broad in order to map a range of lived experiences of “Europe” at the grassroots, and to study how the idea of Europe changes and shifts in moments of crises. We will consider the most pertinent examples such as the impact of Europeanization, and how to re-think this concept, how EU policies and structures shape everyday life in Greece, and Southern Europe, as well acceding countries of the Western Balkans. Whilst the rich literature on Europeanization continues to engage scholars in debates about how European norms, values, practices and policies shape and influence domestic politics and structures, far less is known about the impact of “Europe” and “Europeanization” (ie: for instance, “How have refugees from Syria and elsewhere experienced their arrival in Europe, particularly in Eastern Europe and how have indigenous communities reacted to the arrival of refugees?”). The central focus of the workshop is the relationship between different EU-level politics, policies, structures, actors and hierarchies and how diverse experiences, movements, communities and individuals engage with them.
Research themes and questions contributions would address include:
  1. The emergence, challenges and limits for grassroots movements and/or grassroots transnational movements;
  2. How do alternative visions of Europe affect, change and/or challenge existing dominant discourses and patterns?
  3. What type of narratives can marginalize, silence and exclude “others”? And how do the same “others” react and engage with the social and political space?
  4. How is “Europe” entrenched in local spaces, cities and neighbourhoods, and what spatial or geographic evidence can we observe?
  5. What is the transformative power of Europe towards spaces and actors in the everyday experiences?
The workshop will take place on the 21st of September 2018 at the University of Leicester, UK. Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for PhD students will be covered, where applicable.
Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words and a short biography or no more than 300 words (including your full contact details and affiliation) to The deadline for applications is the 15th June 2018. 
For more information on the UACES CRN on “Europe and the Everyday (EUEve)” please see:
Dr. Soeren Keil

Reader in Politics and International Relations

Canterbury Christ Church University
School of Psychology, Politics and Sociology
North Holmes Road
Canterbury CT1 1QU, UK
Office: PCf05
Tel. 01227 863099

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on June 12, 2018
Modified on June 12, 2018