3rd International Summer School Learning from the past - Exploring the Role of Transitional Justice in Rebuilding Trust in a Post-conflict Society

Publication date
March 22, 2016
June 3, 2016
Short description

This international summer school is the third summer school organized by the IUS’ International Relations department; this year, in cooperation with the IUS Faculty of Law and the IUS Lifelong Learning Center. It will take place from 20 June 2016 to 4 July 2016.

The 3rd international summer school “Learning from the past – Exploring the Role of Transitional Justice in Rebuilding Trust in a Post-conflict Society” provides an opportunity to undergraduate students, graduate students as well as young professionals to meet and study with people from different countries, cultures and academic disciplines, on a cosmopolitan campus in Sarajevo. 

Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the Balkan region, is in a post-war state, where there is great need for healing the past to have a solid future, as the tensions that led to the last war are still largely undealt with, and a fact of everyday life for every single citizen of BiH. Although there are many GOs and NGOs working in and around BiH towards establishing transitional justice and reconciliation, they largely do not show any real scientific or real-world outcome. BiH and the Balkans are the largest living laboratory for this area. This summer school commemorates the events by remembering and discussing the past atrocities but also by learning from and moving beyond the tragic events in the past in order to achieve lasting peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

Furthermore, this summer school will provide an opportunity to filter previously generated knowledge in regard to conflict resolution and further advance methodological tools and techniques applicable to research in the field of genocide, transitional justice, post-conflict resolution, peace-building, security studies, preventing diplomacy, international law, sociology, anthropology and other associated fields.

Source: International University of Sarajevo

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on March 22, 2016
Modified on March 24, 2016