CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of Epiphany Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies - deadline: 15 september 2016

Publication date
March 22, 2016
September 15, 2016
Short description

 Topic: “Socio-Political and Economic Prospects of Western Balkans Integration in the European Union”  

While the EU is experiencing internal crisis due to dissatisfaction of some member states and immigration challenge, Western Balkans countries are still on the path to the EU integration process, eagerly waiting to open new chapters as to reform their legal, social, institutional, financial, economic, educational and other dimensions of their states. Special issue of Epiphany aims to promote an interdisciplinary approach in dealing with different socio-political and economic prospects of the Western Balkans integration in the EU. Therefore, this issue is open to scholars from different disciplines including political sciences, sociology, history, law, literature and media.

Academicians, scholars, professionals and policy-makers are invited to submit their papers for the special issue related to the above-mentioned topics. 

Source: International Unversity of Sarajevo

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on March 22, 2016
Modified on March 24, 2016