Save the date! MSCA Staff Exchanges: Opportunities for researchers from the Western Balkans - a Regional Awareness Raising Event organised by POLICY ANSWERS and MSCAdvocacy

SAVE-THE-DATE! MSCA Staff Exchanges: Opportunities for researchers from the Western Balkans, a dedicated Regional Awareness Raising Event will be organised by the MSCAdvocacy and POLICY ANSWERS projects on 6 November 2023 at 14.00 - 15.30 CET.

To register for the event, follow this link:

Kindly note that only 200 participants will be able to attend the event in real-time. Therefore, it is highly recommended to secure your spot on 6th November as soon as possible. Rest assured that the event will be recorded and a link will be sent to those who have registered, to ensure that they do not miss the conversation.


Concept: The event is a cooperation between the POLICY ANSWERS project and MSCAdvocacy. It is embedded in a POLICY ANSWERS focus theme covering researcher mobility, see A representative of the Research Executive Agency will provide an outline of what the MSCA Staff Exchange Scheme is, followed by an introduction of various services to use for the preparation of a proposal such as the National Contact Points. We will also hear a success story and recommendations from an experienced project coordinator highlighting good practices from the region. The event allows for Q&A in the chat which will be addressed at the end of the event.

Target group: Representatives of interested organisations and stakeholders from the Western Balkans, e.g.  Higher Education and Research Performing Organisations but we particularly encourage also non-academic stakeholders to participate in the Staff Exchange scheme and this information event.

Background: Staff Exchange (SE) is an excellent opportunity for Western Balkans organisations and individuals because the mobility supported through this scheme has a strong capacity-building element, which is appreciated and needed. Although the SE scheme is already used by some stakeholders, there is a lot of potential for this particular scheme in the Western Balkans, as it allows for short-term mobility and includes different staff categories. The call is opening 5 October 2023 and closing 28 February 2024.

Please find more information about the speakers in the attached concept note.

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on October 17, 2023
Modified on December 20, 2023