Western Balkans initiative at Elettra: Call for Scientists from Western Balkans for synchrotron radiation research

Publication date
November 23, 2022
January 15, 2023
Short description
Company description

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is an international multidisciplinary research center operated as a user facility, featuring a 2.0/2.4 GeV, third-generation synchrotron light source (Elettra), a new free-electron laser light source (FERMI) and a variety of support laboratories. The extremely high quality of the machines and beamlines has set new performance records and has been producing results of great scientific and technological interest. In order to allow the laboratory to remain competitive in the next 20 years, an entirely new source - Elettra 2.0 - belonging to the new generation of storage rings (DLSR or Diffraction Limited Storage Ring) is being developed. The new source will exhibit a major increase in the brilliance and coherence fraction of the photon beams. The Elettra 2.0 optics is based on our enhanced symmetric six bend achromat structure (S6BA-E) with a 12-fold symmetry and an emittance of 200 pm-rad at 2.4 GeV. The new structure creates also straight sections in the arcs permitting the installation of additional insertion devices, thus increasing the number of beamlines. Existing beamlines will have to be upgraded and new beamlines developed to take full advantage of the characteristics of Elettra 2.0. The new machine is scheduled for commissioning in the second half of 2026. See http://www.elettra.eu for more information.

Beamline / Project / Activity description

This call is a pilot action in the framework of the Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste scientific and social activities in favor of the Western Balkans, in line with the outcome of the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Culture, Research and Innovation, Education and Training held in Tirana on June 27th – 28th 2022, in which  the commitment made by the leaders at the Brdo EU-Western Balkans Summit in 2021 to promote scientific excellence, and help prevent brain drain, has been confirmed.

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is an international multidisciplinary research center operated as a user facility, featuring a 2.0/2.4 GeV, third-generation synchrotron light source (Elettra), a free-electron laser light source (FERMI) and a variety of support laboratories. The extremely high quality of the machines and beamlines has set new performance records and has been producing results of great scientific and technological interest.

In order to allow the laboratory to remain competitive in the next 20 years, an entirely new source - Elettra 2.0 - belonging to the new generation of storage rings (DLSR or Diffraction Limited Storage Ring) is being developed. The new source will exhibit a major increase in the brilliance and coherence fraction of the photon beams. The Elettra 2.0 optics is based on our enhanced symmetric six bend achromat structure (S6BA-E) with a 12-fold symmetry and an emittance of 200 pm-rad at 2.4 GeV. The new structure creates also straight sections in the arcs permitting the installation of additional insertion devices, thus increasing the number of beamlines. Existing beamlines will have to be upgraded and new beamlines developed to take full advantage of the characteristics of Elettra 2.0. The new machine is scheduled for commissioning in the second half of 2026. See http://www.elettra.eu for more information.

The purpose of this call is to train promising young scientists from Western Balkans in the most advanced material characterization techniques using synchrotron radiation and contribute to the development of a user community in the Western Balkans. 

Job description

The successful candidates will work closely with the staff of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and its partners on scientific programs using synchrotron-based spectroscopic, diffraction and/or imaging methods. They may be involved in experimental activities carried out at different beamlines and may also collaborate to experiments proposed by external users. They will participate in the design and implementation of the technical developments of beamlines, as well as in the other scientific activities involving the Elettra and FERMI light sources.

They are also expected to establish new research collaborations, in particular with other research groups in the Western Balkans region, and to be involved in submitting proposals to suitable European funding agencies


This call is open to nationals from all Western Balkans. A PhD in Physics, Chemistry, or related disciplines is required. Proven experience in experimental research and a suitable publication record is expected. Experience in the development of scientific instrumentation will be considered an additional asset. A letter of support from a Western Balkans institution of higher learning or from a governmental agency/ministry is essential.

The candidate should possess strong interpersonal skills to pursue collaborative research programs in a team-oriented environment and to become part of existing research collaborations.

Good time management skills and ability to prioritize are expected, together with the ability to interact with project partners and to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team. Good oral and written communication skills in English are essential.

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on November 23, 2022
Modified on November 23, 2022