C-VoUCHER Open Call for SMEs

Publication date
October 1, 2018
November 30, 2018
Short description

Apply to C-VoUCHER and obtain services up to a value of €60k to implement circular economy solutions in your business. Open for EU Member States and countries associated to H2020.

C-VoUCHER, the project funded under Horizon 2020 EU Programme aims at creating circular value link-chains in traditional industries.

Who can apply?

We are looking for companies willing to embark on the circular transformation journey and change the way of doing business, cooperating with others and creating a positive impact on environment. The applicant should be a SME, small and medium sized enterprises.

What could companies expect from C-voucher?

The first phase includes a 3-day workshop (prototypathone) where 12 companies are invited to identify and develop circular economy solutions building upon their existing business models by adding enabling technologies and design thinking strategies to their operations.

In the second phase 6 of the 12 companies are selected to further develop their ideas in a 9-month programme (Circularity Programme for Classic SMEs). including: tailored Designer/business consultancy support, technology implementation, business mentoring and further funding opportunities (both public and private).

What is included in the Voucher?

The 12 selected companies will receive 2 000 EUR to participate in the 3-day workshop (reimbursement of travel costs).

The 6 selected companies will be offered a voucher up to €60K in business consultancy services and access to funding solutions.

What does it take to participate?

The company should allocate internal resources - the people coming from various areas of the company's structure (management-level, finances, production, technology, etc.) as well as time in order to be ready to participate in the Programme. Personnel's dedication would need to be sufficient in order to implement the circular project.

To participate in the Prototype-athon (the event organized for the 12 selected companies) the following preparations are needed from the company: saving the dates for the meeting (expected at the last week of January, tbc) and selecting 2-3 key people to work on the proposal during the meeting (together with a designer and technology expert provided by C-Voucher) and present the project during the event (pitching session in front of the jury panel).

Companies selected to the Circularity Programme (6 out of 12 invited to the Prototype-athon) will have to report back on their progress in the Programme. They will have to deliver the Circular Solution Definition Plan (created in cooperation with the assigned designer and finalized after the second month of the Programme). Each SME will be required to stay in touch with the assigned designer and systematically monitor the implementation of the Plan according to individual arrangements.

more information

  • Horizon Europe / H2020
Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on October 11, 2018
Modified on October 11, 2018