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The present document is the result of a process that started in spring 2009 and aims at providing a new impetus to the RCC’s work in the coming three-year period by making use of its potential and focusing on the lines described above. This process involved an intense dialogue both within the RCC and between it and donor community. The document consists of a general part, ("Strategy"), and the "Work Programme 2011-2013". The Strategy defines the permanent ...
31% Anna Lindh Foundation - Euromed Link 28. Jun. 2010
... The Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) is an organisation shared by the 43 (incl. Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Montenegro and Albania) countries of the Union for the Mediterranean, to bring people together to improve mutual respect between cultures, and to support civil society working for a common future of the Region. Since its launch in 2005, the Foundation has developed a region-wide Network of over 3000 civil society ...
33% RCC Annual Report 2009-2010 Document 25. Jun. 2010
The "Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional co-operation in South East Europe" deals with the RCC's activities in 2009-2010 (publication date: May 2010). It reports about general trends in regional cooperation in South East Europe, developments in priority areas of regional cooperation in South East Europe within the RCC framework (such as Economic and Social Development, Infrastructure and Energy etc) and outlines 'the way ahead'. ...
... resulted in 14 projects approved for financing in 2010 and 2011. The call for proposals for bilateral cooperation with Croatia was announced in May, while the call for Austria is expected to be announced in autumn 2010. See also: Author: Branka Zizic. Montenegro Joins EURAXESS In January 2010, Montenegro has joined the Euraxess scheme with the project “Euraxess Montenegro – Montenegrin Researchers Mobility Network”. The University of Montenegro (UoM) was appointed as the bridgehead organisation and the central service centre for incoming researchers ...
The document “Montenegro in the XXI century” aims to suggest the main directions of development of Montenegro by recognizing new knowledge as the key factor for innovation and therefore, for the competitiveness of Montenegro within the region and in Europe. In that scope, different subjects have been examined, such as education, functioning ...
... country for the two latest GITR editions (2008 – 9 and 2009 –10). As can be inferred, the eight EU member countries occupy the best eight positions (Austria and Germany being the clear leaders), with the exception of Romania and Slovakia, which are surpassed by non-EU Danube Region countries Montenegro and Croatia. A divide between the regions of North West and South East Europe is clearly evident, with the countries of Central Europe (with the exception of Slovakia) performing better in comparison with the Danube Region periphery (with the exception of Montenegro). A colour index which graphically represents each country ...
... for Reconstruction and Development. Lisbon Review 2010: Croatia Outperforms Lowest-Ranked EU Members The final assessment of the progress made in reaching the Lisbon goals shows that Croatia has outranked four EU Member States, namely Bulgaria, Italy, Poland and Romania. With a score of 4.18, it is only second to Montenegro (score: 4.19) among the eleven candidate and neighbourhood countries assessed. Among this group, Croatia holds rank one in the fields of information society, sustainable development and network industries as well as the second place in the field of innovation and R&D. ERAWATCH Country Report 2009 The ERAWATCH ...
... careers in their home countries are scarce. An additional problem is restricted mobility. Even today, visa restrictions create a barrier for international networking, especially for researchers and scientists coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), differentiating them also from their colleagues from the FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and thus, marginalizing them even more. The RRPP has been supporting the new generation of social scientists and researchers in the WBCs for almost two years now, paying special attention to the inclusion of female researchers. The programme covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), the ...
The event gathered ministries and high-level representatives responsible for science and higher education from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia, Greece, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey as well as representatives from other European countries and European and international organisations (such as the EU, RCC, ESF and COST). The event’s main goal was to contribute to fostering regional and international cooperation to enhance the competitivenes of SEE countries in the ...
31% TEMPUS: Statistics for WBC Available News 16. Jun. 2010
... slight decline of WBC involvement can be observed. The numbers of submissions per country (as a coordinator/as a partner) are the following:  Albania: 2 / 23 (5 %) Bosnia and Hercegovina: 5 / 33 (7 %) Croatia: not eligible in the 2010 call  FYR of Macedonia: 6 / 41 (9 %) Montenegro: 2 / 17 (4 %) Serbia: 18 / 49 (11 %) Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244): 3 / 20 (4 %) Out of all 27 countries involved, the largest percentage of applications was received from the Russian Federation (28 percent), followed by the Ukraine (25 percent) and Serbia on the third rank (11 percent). The FYR  ...
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