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... successful FP7 projects funded is still very low. ARTI stepped up its promotion efforts and training sessions, attended several EU networking events and actively followed the work on the WBC.INCO.NET project under FP7. ARTI has signed bilateral cooperation agreements with Italy, Greece, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia and Turkey. As regards integration into the European Research Area (ERA), there has been little progress on implementation of the national strategy on science, technology and innovation. Some measures have been taken to strengthen human capital-building, such as increasing the Fund for Excellence stimulating external mobility, establishing the national ...
In more details, the Analytical Report states: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Good progress has been made in the area of research and innovation policy. The budget for funding research projects at national level has been increased and several measures have been taken to strengthen research and innovation capacity. Preparations in this area are on track. Some progress has been made with regard to research cooperation under the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7). Montenegro ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research In the area of research and innovation policy, Croatia is sufficiently prepared. It has continued to participate successfully in the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7) and has taken several measures to reform the national research landscape with a view to further integration into the European Research Area. Measures have been taken also to stimulate innovation and to contribute to the ...
... and innovation capacity building at national level needs to be strengthened and coordination remains to be improved. Croatia is meeting the commitments and requirements arising from the accession negotiations in the field of science and research and is in a position to implement the acquis as of accession. In FYR Macedonia little progress can be reported in the area of science and research. Preparations for the national programme for science, research and development activities for 2012-2016 and for the strategy on innovation have advanced, but the documents remain to be adopted. Participation in FP7 continued to be good. The Analytical Report ...
... University of Deusto, Spain University of Heidelberg, Germany University of Ljubljana, Slovenia University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy Western Balkan partner institutions: University of Novi Sad - joint coordinating institution, Serbia University of Belgrade, Serbia University of Kragujevac, Serbia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, (FYRO) Macedonia South East European University Tetovo, (FYRO) Macedonia Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, (FYRO) Macedonia University of Montenegro, Montenegro University of Prishtina, Kosovo* University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina University of Tirana, Albania Associates: Fan S. Noli University Korce, Albania King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania Roma Virtual Network, Israel SPARK, The Netherlands University in Mitrovica, Kosovo* University of Niš, Serbia University of Skhodra ...
35% The Erasmus Mundus JoinEUsee > PENTA Project 9. Oct. 2012
... University, United Kingdom - Freie Universität Berlin, Germany - Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic - Tilburg University, The Netherlands - University of Antwerp, Belgium - University of Bologna, Italy - University of Granada, Spain - University of Maribor, Slovenia Western Balkan Universities: - University of Tirana, Albania-  joint-coordinator - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia - State University of Tetova, FYR of Macedonia - University of Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Belgrade, Serbia - University of Montenegro, Montenegro - University of Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Novi Sad, Serbia - University of Prishtina, Kosovo* - University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina Associate partners: - University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Centre for Information and Recognition of ...
The European IPR Helpdesk has issued a new fact sheet on the benefits that standardisation can bring about within European projects. This document, developed in collaboration with CEN (the European Committee for Standardization) and CENELEC (the European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization), seeks to improve the mutual awareness and collaboration between standardisation and the research communities. While doing so, this fact sheet focuses on an aspect that is close to the ...
At the request of the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE), one of the policy working groups of the Parliament presented a study on September 3rd 2012 on “The Attractiveness of the EU for Top Scientists". The study showed that while the EU has a strong research base it does not seem to have an environment to attract the world’s top researchers. The place of preference for leading scientists is the USA, while other countries, such as China or India enter the ...
... and the towns are more important than the economic benefits. Source: BalkanInsight More than 700 EU backed cross-regional projects aimed at helping reconciliation and improving the economy have been conducted in Serbia and neighbouring countries. Serbia is currently cooperating with seven neighbouring countries – Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Croatia- on various issues including ecology, education and agriculture ...
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