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... Contact: Prof. Svetomir Hadzi Jordanov President of the Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Skopje Phone & fax.: + 389 2 3064 392 E-mail: "Wondering what story to tell as a success one, I’ve chosen – the organizing of a chemical Congress. This September, 5th – 9th, The Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (SCTM) had its 22nd Congress in ...
... Contact: Prof. Svetomir Hadzi Jordanov President of the Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Skopje Phone & fax.: + 389 2 3064 392 E-mail: "Wondering what story to tell as a success one, I’ve chosen – the organizing of a chemical Congress. This September, 5th – 9th, The Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (SCTM) had its 22nd Congress in ...
Contact: Dr. Marjan Petreski Vice-Dean for Research, School of Business Economics and Management Chairman, UACS Research Committee Assistant professor of Macroeconomics and Research methods in economics University American College Skopje Email: "I can still remember the first day at the University American College Skopje (UACS) as a research coordinator at that time. We set our goal to increase research and be ‘teach and research’ university, when all the others are ...
Contact: Dr. Marjan Petreski Vice-Dean for Research, School of Business Economics and Management Chairman, UACS Research Committee Assistant professor of Macroeconomics and Research methods in economics University American College Skopje Email: "I can still remember the first day at the University American College Skopje (UACS) as a research coordinator at that time. We set our goal to increase research and be ‘teach and research’ university, when all the others are ...
... them to a wider public. Partners in the project have been asked to suggest persons, projects or firms that come to mind when thinking of ´success & innovation´ - two success stories were published afterwards in WBC-INCO.NET Journal (Spring/Summer 2012): one from Albania and the other from FYR of Macedonia (page 14-15). Since we hope that WBC-INCO.NET, our project, could contribute to some of your positive experiences we also decided to collect such stories that highlight our impact in the region. If you want to share your success story with us and a wider public or if you have ...
... administrative burden of tax compliance, and providing greater protections to minority shareholders. Since 2005, Morocco has implemented 15 business regulatory reforms. Besides Morocco, 11 other economies are recognized as having the most improved ease of doing business across several areas of regulation as measured by the report: Moldova, FYR of Macedonia, São Tomé and Príncipe, Latvia, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Burundi, the Solomon Islands, the Republic of Korea, Armenia and Colombia. The Republic of Korea was a new entrant to the top 10.  Governments in 125 economies out of 183 measured implemented a total of 245 business regulatory reforms—13 ...
37% The Doing Business Report 2013 Document 29. Oct. 2012
... red tape, a new World Bank report concludes. The Doing Business report analyzes regulations that apply to businesses during their life cycles, including start-ups and operations, trading across borders, paying taxes, and protecting investors. The aggregate ease of doing business rankings are based on 10 indicators and cover 185 economies. Macedonia ranks 23 out of 185 countries listed in the report for the ease of doing business, followed by Montenegro in 51st place, Croatia in 84th place, Albania in 85th place, Serbia in 86th place and Kosovo* in 98th place. Bosnia and Herzegovina is in 126th place ...
... by the demands of the EU accession process and by a desire to attract foreign investment - says Valentina Saltane, co-author of the "Doing Business" 2013 report. Doing Business 2013 notes Serbia as one of the top 10 reformers globally, implementing reforms in starting a business, contract enforcement and resolving insolvency. Macedonia and Croatia are also two of the 20 top global improvers on doing business indicators ...
... the field of mobile technology, Providing opportunities for accelerated growth of businesses related with developing mobile applications, Overcoming barriers for achieving multinational and multicultural partnerships, Establishing a network of international mentors, experts and managers for providing continued support for further development of the businesses created during the Camp, and Accelerating Macedonia’s integration with the developed countries in the area of ​​information society and sync with the global trends in mobile technologies. The structure of the three-day camp is composed of two parts:          I.  Capacity development program for the participants that will ...
... and activities still need to be developed. Bosnia-Herzegovina is suffering from detrimental political and economic circumstances after the civil war. While there was considerable research and KT before the war, both are hardly existing in the country today, and for political decision makers it has low priority. The FYR of Macedonia lost large parts of its industrial base in the past 20 years, and academic research and innovation activities also declined. KT is largely taking place informally. However, there are political activities to improve innovation and KT. In Montenegro, while IP legislation has been put in place, the topic of IP ...
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