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Search past events in Albania.
... actions of the LLP Call 2012, as outlined on page 8 (1.6 New Countries) in the Instructions for completing the Application Form and its attachments and in the Explanations by action. This means that organisations from Serbia can participate both as applicant and partners. Furthermore, the FYR of Macedonia might sign the Memorandum in due time. Recently, FYR of Macedonia has confirmed their intention to participate in the Lifelong Learning Programme as of 2012, and are now in the process of completing the formal steps to become LLP participating countries. The European Commission has announced that Albania will not participate in the Call 2012. For applications to be submitted, this ...
... performance of innovation systems. Croatia and Serbia belong to first group which develops a complex innovation systems, yet not fully functional in all parts. Their role and activities will be crucial for the development of regional cooperation within the WB region. B&H and FYR Macedonia and Montenegro form the second group of countries which are lagging behind the leading countries. They are rather familiar with the development of some component of NIS (e.g. research systems) but they are beginners (or moderate) in other components especially those related to science-industry cooperation ...
... and 5, 2012 in Tirana/Albania. In order to prepare the Review Meeting, the Working Group of T8.2 (UNU-MERIT, MPI, BMBF and PT-DLR) met in Maastricht on February 15, 2012. After the High Level Meeting in Tirana in April a second review meeting is foreseen in the FYR of Macedonia in autumn in order to develop adaptation schemes for the good practice examples that could be suitable for an implementation in the Western Balkans ...
... added up to a total of €7.461 billion. Assistance given to candidate countries and potential candidates in 2011, including both national and cross-border cooperation programmes: IPA 2011 allocations (in current prices; million €) Albania 94.43 Bosnia and Herzegovina 107.43 Croatia 156.53 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 98.03 Iceland 12.00 Kosovo 68.70 Montenegro 34.15 Serbia 201.88 Turkey 779.90 Multi-beneficiary programme (*) 186.27 Total 1 739.32 (*) Allocation for transition assistance and institution building, excluding cross-border cooperation. Assistance to the Turkish Cypriot community for social and economic development in 2011 was &euro ...
... Curie Actions. CERES fellowships have a duration of 12 months and are addressed to experienced researchers (researchers already in possession of a PhD or having at least 4 years of professional research experience) from CEI Member States (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine). Deadline: April 30, 2012 ...
The Parliament Magazine published on February 20, 2012 covers several pages on the enlargement of the European Union.
The Parliament Magazine
... The Energy Pre-Check will start in 2012 and will be provided by the Chambers of Commerce in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.Energy Pre-check (part of an energy audit) Experts from the Chambers of Commerce will guide businesses in their regions of competence along the path of outlining an efficient energy use strategy. Energy pre-check offers selected companies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro ...
... by providing a comparative assessment of the innovation performance of the EU27 Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. The IUS includes innovation indicators and trend analyses for the EU27 Member States, as well as for Croatia, Iceland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. It also includes comparisons based on a more reduced set of indicators between the EU27 and 10 global competitors.
... the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. In this way, it complements the Europe 2020 Annual Growth Survey and helps Member States assess areas in which they need to concentrate to boost their innovation performance. In addition, the Scoreboard covers Croatia, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. On a more limited number of indicators available internationally it also covers Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the US. What are the main indicators used for the Innovation Union Scoreboard? The Innovation Union Scoreboard follows the methodology of ...
... effects) Water Resources (ecosystem effects) Biodiversity and Habitat Forests Fisheries Agriculture Climate Change Environmental Performance Index– Ranking & Scores (p.11) EPI Rank WB countries: (out of 132 countries) Albania: 15 (Top 10 Trend Index Performers) Bosnia & Herzegovina: 129 (Lowest 10 Trend Index Decliners) Croatia: 20 FYR of Macedonia: 97 Kosovo (UNSCR 1244): n.a. Montenegro: n.a Serbia: 103 (data for Serbia and Montenegro)