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... OBJECTIVES of the conference:: To explore and present new knowledge and advanced experiences in activating sources of economic growth in an open underdeveloped market economy – with special reference to Kosovo To promote research activities in Kosovo related to economic and social development To strengthen relationships and partnerships with academic circles and developmental experts throughout Europe, US and beyond, and with international organizations. KEY CONFERNCE TOPICS: Development and Institutions Human Capital, Intellectual Capital and Social Capital Industrial Policies Natural Resources: a Curse or a Blessing Absorptive Capacities ...
... home-affairs/index_en.htm Source: European Commission Liaison Office to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) The European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström launched on January 19, 2012 a visa liberalisation dialogue with Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) in Pristina. The aim of this dialogue is to eventually lift the visa obligation for citizens of Kosovo. This will only be possible, however, once the Government of Kosovo has implemented substantial reforms in key areas such as the security of travel documents; border, migration and asylum management; public order and security issues (notably the fight against organised crime and corruption) and fundamental rights issues related to the freedom of movement ...
38% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2010 Document 26. Jan. 2012
... South-East European Research Centre. As usual, one page each in this journal is dedicated to S&T news from the Western Balkan countries. Furthermore, this edition covers the international cooperation strategies for the Danube region and the Mediterranean. An additional page is dedicated to research policy and capacities in Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). Last but not least, we are updating you on the preliminary outcome of the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Joint Call (see p.15). We are always happy to hear from you, to receive your feedback as well as your input for possible news articles and event announcements. Please ...
38% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2007 Document 26. Jan. 2012
... is given ias well as specific input from EUREKA, Tempus, the Framework Programme and a special part on cooperation in the topic of climate change. Initiatives from Austria - the ASO Calls - specifically target scientific cooperation in biodiversity protection, climate change and energy scarcity on the one hand, and cooperation with Kosovo/UNMIK on the other hand. A new Swiss Programme shall focus on the Social Sciences as reported. SEE-ERA.NET provides an update on the project activities: infrastructure donations will be acknowledged with a specific award, a conference on innovation was held in Thessaloniki and the White Paper published. Other projects ...
38% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2008 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers,   this journal marks the transition of our work from our project, which ends April 30, 2008, to the WBC-INCO.NET. Many activities are therefore running in parallel and our journal is also a bit delayed: a new layout, a new logo and further increased volume of the journal are just the most superficial changes. The new project now includes 26 partners and will continue to inform you via the regular journal – but mainly through the web-newsletter, which ...
38% WEB-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2011 Document 26. Jan. 2012
Dear Readers, the 7th edition of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal is published on the occasion of the 10th Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries, taking place in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia on May 26, 2011. One of the key issues to be discussed by the Steering Platform is the state of preparation of the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation as well as the related Enlargement Countries’ Position Paper, compiled in the frame of the Regional ...
38% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Winter 2006/2007 Document 26. Jan. 2012
... cooperation in this major funding programme, also dealing with the thematic focus on Food, Agriculture, Fisheries, and Biotechnology. We have also focused on national initiatives by Turkey, Austria, Greece and the Netherlands, and an introduction to the Croatian S&T system is included. In addition some news from BiH, Kosovo and Montenegro is given. COST and SEE-ERA.NET introduce opportunities for WBC researchers, you learn more about reports (S&T country reports and a needs/offer-matrix) and possibilities for information gathering through eNewsletters. We hope that it was worth waiting for all of you and we are ...
38% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2010 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers, the 6th edition of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal marks the beginning of a new phase in the Co-ordination of Research Policies with the Western Balkan Countries: WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED. The official Kick-Off Meeting will take place on November 12, 2010 in Bečići, Montenegro, following the 9th meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries on November 11. Further information on WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED and its innovation focus is available on page 5. To ...
38% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2011 Document 26. Jan. 2012
Dear readers, the 8th edition of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal is published on the occasion of the 11th Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries, taking place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on December 1, 2011. Some of the key issues to be discussed by the Steering Platform are the state of preparation of Horizon 2020 and synergies with the Pre-Accession Instrument (IPA) as well as the Implementation of the Regional Strategy on R&D for Innovation. This ...
38% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2008 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers, the WBC-INCO.NET journal autumn 2008 reports on major issues such as ■ Framework Programme 7, which is becoming more and more popular in the region. Currently several networking and training activities are taking place (also with the support of WBC-INCO.NET), several calls are open and researchers from the region are hopefully continuing to work for their successful integration to the European Research Area. ■ The creation of networks is an important activity in order to ...
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