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... the mobility of researchers, the exchange of knowledge, etc. Regional cooperation and participation in several support activities have been one way to tackle the challenges. At the "Horizon 2020 Regional Launch Event for Western Balkans" on March 4, 2014 in Budva, Montenegro it was confirmed that the association procedures for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are under way and well on track. This means that these WBC will participate in Horizon 2020 on equal terms like the EU Member States and not as "third countries". For all currently open calls, participants from the region and their ...
33% New Document : IPA II (2014-2020) Document 1. Apr. 2014
IPA II (2014-2020) Prepared in partnership with the beneficiaries, IPA II sets a new framework for providing pre-accession assistance for the period 2014-2020. The most important novelty of IPA II is its strategic focus. Country Strategy Papers are the specific strategic planning documents made for each beneficiary for the 7-year period. These will provide for a stronger ownership by the beneficiaries through integrating their own reform and development agendas. A Multi-Country Strategy Paper ...
... authors and details about accommodation and registration are provided at . For information on the conference programe, click here For information on registration for the conference, please click here Contact information: Alban Ibraliu, President of 8th CMAPSEEC E-mail: Address: Agricultural University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Tel: +355682042424 The Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC), Albanian Academy  of Science & Agricultural University of Tirana, are organizing the 8th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (8th CMAPSEEC), in hotel “Adriatik”,Durres, Albania, from May 19-22, 2014. The ...
... to reflect on the achievements in European integration until now: 100 years have passed since the beginning of the first World War and 10 years since the biggest round of enlargement of the European Union (EU) with the accession of 10 new countries. Today, the EU perspective is open to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. The European Commission is keen to learn more about what you think: What can today's European Union of 28 Member States learn from its past to help improve its future? What does an enlarged European ...
... Economy. In addition, the messages to WBC-INCO.NET from: European Commission,  Directorate  General  for  Research  and  Innovation;  General  Secretariat for Research and Technology on behalf of the current Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union; Ministry of Education and Sports (Albania); Ministry of Civil Affairs (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (Croatia); Ministry of Education and Science (FYR of Macedonia); Ministry of Science (Montenegro) and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (Serbia) as well as messages from WBC-INCO.NET partners are included as introductory part of this ...
... Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Turkey. Additionally, for other countries there is the possibility to get involved in the COST Actions as a “Near Neighborhood Country”, which is a nomination process for institutions located in one of the following countries, who are then also eligible for reimbursement from COST: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Russia, Syria, Tunisia, and Ukraine. Further information:   COST is the oldest and widest European intergovernmental framework for transnational Cooperation in Science and Technology. COST has been supporting networking of research activities across ...
... of persons providing professional research support: administrative, legal and financial. As only participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and from Croatia are currently part of the network, there is still a possibility to join the activities for research administrators from Serbia, FRY of Macedonia as COST countries and for those from Albania and Montenegro as so-called Near Neighbourhood countries ...
... the RRPP Call for Regional Research Projects 2014-2016, the presentations in local languages used during the Open Days in the region mid February 2014 are now available online. They will guide you through the application process.   RRPP Call Open Day Kosovo* Open Day Serbia Open Day Macedonia* Open Day Albania
... long distance can share their knowledge and ideas on the recent research Please find more information on the conference here: The Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” in partnership with many public/ non public  universities from Albania, the region, Europe and the USA is organising International Conference "Research and Education - Challenges toward the future". The  presentations of the participants will focus on the areas that will be realized in the following panels: Albanology, Arts & Culture, Education, Economy, Higher Education, ICT, Media & Communication, Medicine, Natural ...
... process, PISA test, requirements brought out during the students’ protests etc. Education in Transition The title of the second domain is purposely ambiguous. On the one hand, it refers to the regional post-socialist context, primarily of successor states of Yugoslavia, but also of its neighbouring countries – Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Albania – that share common political and educational legacy. The shift in socialist educational paradigm brought transition to something whose name and content is yet to be determined, because it is not clear if it conforms only to mercantile criteria, if it abstains from any ideology or rests upon a certain new ...
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