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... Turkey. Accession negotiations have been open with Turkey since 2005 but are moving forward only slowly. Accession negotiations have been underway with Montenegro since 2012 and with Serbia since 2014. The EU accession process with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – a candidate country since 2005 – remains at an impasse. Albania was granted candidate status in 2014 and is addressing a number of key priorities before the Commission can recommend the opening of accession negotiations. A Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Bosnia and Herzegovina entered into force in June. An SAA with Kosovo was signed in October 2015. For detailed ...
... extend its recommendation to open accession negotiations with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This shall, however, be conditional on the continued implementation of the June/July political agreement and substantial progress in the implementation of the urgent reform priorities. This issue shall be addressed again after the elections. In Albania, I welcome the steady progress in addressing the key priorities for the opening of accession negotiations, and in pursuing a set of reforms necessary to advance on the EU integration path. However, more needs to be done on the rule of law in particular through carrying out a thorough reform ...
... investment in Albania as a future competitive EU member able to benefit from the enlarged internal market," Ambassador Vlahutin said. Mr Arben Ahmetaj, Minister of Economic Development, Trade, Tourism and Entrepreneurship in Albania said: “We welcome this on-going commitment from the EU and the EBRD to supporting SME development in Albania. SMEs form the majority of businesses in Albania and programmes like this which focus on knowledge-transfer and competitiveness, are very relevant.” The Director of the EBRD Small Business Support team, Mrs. Charlotte Ruhe, emphasised also the new EBRD Small Business Initiative. She said: “The EBRD is currently offering unique support to small and medium-sized enterprises, by helping them ...
33% Horizon 2020 - First results Document 28. Oct. 2015
10 key facts A total of 36 732 eligible proposals were submitted under Horizon 2020’s first 100 calls (FP7: 135 514), breaking down as follows: 29 794 full proposals in single-stage calls 5 617 outline proposals in the first stage of the two-stage calls 1 321 full proposals in the second stage of the two-stage calls In total, 31 115 full proposals were submitted. The total number of eligible applications in full proposals was 123 334 (FP7: 598 080). These eligible proposals requested a total EU ...
Conference Objective and Philosophical Framework                   The International Conference on Sustainable Development is inspired from the critical challenge of human, environmental, and economic sustainability concerning the present and future generations in a global-scale context   The 4th ICSD 2016 will be held at the Gregorian University, Piazza della Pilotta, 4, Rome, Italy Friday 16 to Saturday 17 September, 2016. The ...
... as suggested by SEE2020 (South East European 2020 Strategy).  “Balkan Opinion Barometer”, a set of approximately 80 indicators showing the results of the public opinion survey on crucial economic and development issues in SEE and commissioned by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) clearly shows that vast majority of interviewees in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia still prefer to work in the public sector (79%), only 16% prefer the employment in the private sector. Interestingly, 40% consider attending additional education / courses to help to find a job as not necessary and for almost 50% their ...
... initiative with the Forum for International Relations of the European Movement Serbia. Speakers: Jelica Minic, Head of the Forum for International Relations of the European Movement Serbia Albert Rakipi, Executive Director of the Albanian Institute for International Studies H.E. Mr. Miroljub ZARIĆ, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Albania H.E. Helmut Hoffmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Albania H.E. Bernard Fitoussi, Ambassador of the Republic of France to Albania Participants are kindly asked to confirm their attendance at , tel nr 0 444 000 84 The Albanian Institute for International Studies announces its upcoming event: Launch of the Centre for Albanian- Serbian relations: towards a European future ...
Epoka University, in Tirana, in partnership with other universities from Albania, UK, USA, Turkey, Greece, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Azerbaijan, organizes the 5th International Conference on European Studies (ICES'15). The conference titled the “Perspectives of Integration in the European Union: The Balkans’”, will be held on 6th and 7th of November in Tirana, Albania. Academics, scholars ...
... Cohesion Policy Funds 2014-2020  Twitter: @EU_Regional  @CorinaCretuEU #cohesionpolicy   The first EU Transnational Cooperation Programme for the “Balkan-Mediterranean”, covering the Balkan Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, was adopted today. Bringing together three EU countries (Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus) and two candidate countries (Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), it will focus on two priorities: boosting the competitiveness of the regional economy through entrepreneurship and innovation, and protecting the environment ...
... Cooperation between regions and countries Twitter: @EU_Regional / @CorinaCretuEU #CohesionPolicy #interreg  With this new programme EU invests nearly €100 million to boost transnational cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian region. The programme's geographical area include four EU countries (Greece, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia), with the participation of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia ...
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