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The priority objective of the Strategy for the Development of SMEs and Entrepreneurship in Serbia is to create a framework for the development of a sustainable, internationally competitive and export oriented SME sector. A Strategy for the Development of SMEs and Entrepreneurship in Serbia 2003-2008, available from: (26.02.2008) The Government of Serbia ...
... nor to make programmes and plans in order to create jobs with a full meaning of working andto absorb workers from the process of privatisation and transition. One such programme with a clear definitionof the employment development strategy is the Programme for Business Incubators and Clusters Developmentin the Republic of Serbia 2007-2010. Programme for business Incubators and clusters development in the Republic of Serbia, 2007-2010, (26.02.2008) Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade
Small and medium-sized enterprises are the key to sustainable growth. The policy of the Government of Serbia in the area of SMEE development has as its objective the creation of healthy small and medium-sized enterprises and businesses The Plan of the Government of Serbia for stimulating SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development 2005-2007, available from: (26.02.2008) Ministry of Economy ...
Here you can find the European Charter for small entreprises, according to European Commission Questionnaire for 2005. European Charter for Small Enterprises, Report on Small Enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, available from: Serbia (26.02.2008) The Government of Serbia in cooperation with the IMF
This document has both the status and significance of strategic state document. It defines the long-term government policy in relation to the European Union. The general aim of such policy and ultimate goal of strategy in cooperation with the European Union is the accession of Serbia/Serbia-Montenegro to the European Union. National Strategy of Serbia for the Serbia and MNE accession to the EU, available from: , (26.02.2006) Government of the Republic of Serbia
... development partners, including the staffs of the World Bank and the IMF. Updated everythree years with annual progress reports, they describe the country’s macroeconomic, structural, and socialpolicies in support of growth and poverty reduction, as well as associated external financing needs andmajor sources of financing. This country document for Serbia and Montenegro prepared in 2005, is beingmade available on the IMF Website by agreement with the member country as a service to users of the IMFwebsite. Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper for Serbia and Montenegro, available from: (26.02.2008) The Government of ...
This document provodes background information about the higher eductaion system of Serbia. Bologna Process: Serbian National Report 2005-2007, available from:, 26.02.2006 Prof. Dr. Emilija Stankovic
30% Montenegro 2006 Progress Report Document 26. Feb. 2008
Since March 2002, the Commission has reported regularly to the Council and the Parliamenton progress made by the countries of the Western Balkans region.This is the first progress report for Montenegro since its independence following a referendumwhich was held on 21 May 2006. The report:– briefly describes the relations between Montenegro and the Union;– analyses the political situation in Montenegro in terms of democracy, the rule of law, human rights, protection of minorities, and regional ...
This is a report about the Economic Reform and Development Agenda of Montenegro in the period of 2007-2011. Economic Reform and Development Agenda Montenegro 2007-2011, available from: (26.02.2008) Vukotic, V. Podgorica, document of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
This report provided by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH deliveres background information on the higher education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. BiH- National Report on Higher Education: 2005-2007, available from: Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH
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