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The publication presents and analysis the context of research policy related possibilities of intervention in the area of international cooperation with third countries (part 1), the available instruments of implementation at EU-level (part 2) as well as recommendations for the future (part3). Withal the experts draw the conclusion that the international research cooperation with third countries should be strategically an integral part of the european research area and not a seperat policy ...
28% Business Start-Up Centre Zenica Organisation 4. Jul. 2008
... The Business Start-Up Centre Zenica as a part of a wider regional network of Business Start-up Centres and Incubators in South Eastern Europe (BSC Network - covering Serbia, Montenegro, UNMIK/Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia and BIH) was established on May 8, 2007, when the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was officially signed. The Centre is supported by SPARK (formerly ATA - Academic Training Association) through a grant of the Dutch Government and also local partners provide contributions in kind. The ...
29% Guide for grant holders Document 27. Jun. 2008
The European Research Council (ERC) published a "guide for grant holders", which shall serve the ERC funded scientists and guest institutions as a practical assistance for the administration of the ERC fundings.The manual contains two documents:The first document describes diferences and synergies between the specific ERC financial agreements and the normal FP7 financial support agreement. The second document is a legally not binding handbook of references for the financial management of the ...
... EURAXESS Jobs is a free one-stop-shop listing resaerch jobs and funding opportunities in Europe. The service is free of charge. EURAXESS Services is a network of more than 200 centres located in 35 European countries. A team of well informed staff is at your disposal across Europe. Also in Croatia, Serbia and FYR of Macedonia. EURAXESS-Links is a networking tool for European researchers in the US. It provides information about research in Europe, European research policy, opportunities for research funding, for international collaboration and for trans-national mobility. More information available on: At the beginning of June ...
Since the FP6 started in 2003 there have been 25 evaluators with Croatian nationality, and 23 evaluators from FR Yugoslavia (that was divided later on in Serbia and Montenegro, when Montenegro declared independence in 2006 - then one evaluator from Montenegro and one from Serbia was reported additionally). As expected the biggest two states from the region had the most evaluators for FP6. Furthermore, evaluation per country shows that Albania had in 4 years only 5 evaluators, Bosnia ...
The following attachments include Constituent document of the Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital of the Regional Cooperation Council Overview on the membership structure Overview on the stakeholders of regional cooperation Task Force TFBFHC
Please find here the presentations held hat the Steering Platform meeting in Ljubljana on June 13, 2008. - MHEST (organiser) and the individual presenters
... 2) development of an integrated research policy, 3) use of IPA for researchJRC donates equipment to the WBC which will also be acknowledged with the Herman Potocnik Noordung Award for infrastructure donations (which also the company Sava receives) - nominations for the award are still possible till November 2008main activities in Serbia: several info-days were held covering all aspects of FP7 in all major universities, workshops and trainings were held, INCO-NET training in Belgrade on May 8, next info-day on July 8, a consultative bureau for FP7 project preparation has been established in March 2008, several FP7 projects have been submitted with ...
... dissemination - enhanced usage of internet). The key stakeholder in the region should take into account that one of the pre-requisites for a well functioning innovation system supporting further development is the provision of adequate and sustainable financial resources to created structures. In general, it can be concluded that Croatia and Serbia are being most advanced in policy development and implementation in the region and all Western Balkan Countries are dependent on donor support for implementation of infrastructures and further capacity building in government, academia and industry is necessary. The actual version of the Innovation Infrastructure in the Western Balkan Countries with ...
30% Final Report: WATERWEB Project Document 16. Jun. 2008
This is the final report of the FP6 project WATERWEB ("Water Resource Strategies and Drought Alleviation in Western Balkan Agriculture"). Project Period: 01/04/2004 to 31/01/2008The project has fullfilled its objectives in all workpackages. The main results of all those work packages are described in this final summary report. The main strategic objectives of the projects were:- to contribute to development in the Western Balkans (WB) by introducing strategic water management for drought ...
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