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... scenario, remediation measures and best practice techniques. For that purpose an expert data and information management system will be developed. The Sava River (945 km) is the biggest tributary to the Danube River and has 95551 km2 large catchment. It extends over four countries, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro. In the development of the river basin management plan all countries are already collaborating under the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) guidance. SARIB
... The project will exploit the results of these IST projects and of national research and education networking projects in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. Southeast European countries have a strategic role in connecting SE Europe, Caucasian and Mediterranean countries to G-NT. The SEEREN network needs to be sustained and upgraded by exploring all available infrastructure solutions. SEEFIRE will contribute to the preparation of the next generation of this network (SEEREN2), by ...
... the partners' views. At this point, the Network covers 44 countries, including: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, the United Kingdom, USA,  the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. For more information, please visit: Source: CORDIS RCN 31041 Since being founded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry over ...
... same time be a partner in one or more other applications. Partners may take part in more than one application. Location Actions must have as final beneficiaries the population of the programme area, as defined in the following, and their activities must mainly take place in this area as well. Serbia: Including all the municipalities of the following counties: Sremski, Mačvanski, Zlatiborski and Kolubarski. The following are the Serbian municipalities which are eligible: Sremski county: Sremska Mitrovica, Šid, Inđija, Irig, Ruma, Stara Pazova, Pećinci; Mačvanski county: Šabac, Bogatić, Loznica, Vladimirci, Koceljevo, Mali Zvornik, Krupanj, Ljubovija; Zlatiborski county: Bajina Ba ...
... mid-2010. When presenting the Commission's proposal Vice President of the Commission in charge of Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot said: "Our proposal brings truly good news to the people of the Western Balkans, in particular to the citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of Montenegro and Serbia. I know how much visa free travel means to them. Today's proposal is the result of intensive and hard work for the authorities and the people of these countries in meeting the conditions. I congratulate them for this achievement". Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn added "It is our goal ...
Breakdown of applications by country of the applicant and by type of projects (Tempus IV - Second Call for proposals) European Commission: Breakdown of applications by country of the applicant and by type of projects (Tempus IV - Second Call for proposals), 2009. European Commission/Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Number of applications submitted by partner region (Tempus IV - Second Call for proposals), 2009. Number of applications submitted by partner region (Tempus IV - Second Call for proposals), 2009. European Commission/Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
29% 'People' Work Programme 2009 updated News 14. Jul. 2009
The WP is to be read in association with the Framework Programme and People Specific Programme decisions, and with the relevant Guides for Applicants. The most current Guides and other documents are available on CORDIS under Part I describes the background to the WP and the broad policy objectives. Part II gives details of the 2009 Actions, while Part III gives the corresponding information, in overview form, of the relevant calls. The Annexes contain reference ...
This booklet intends to highlight the scientific impact of the projects carried out in the frame of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call. SEE-ERA.NET has started as a regional ERA-NET, implemented by the national key stakeholders in fourteen European countries, including EU member states and all Western Balkan countries (WBC). The SEE-ERA.NET has created a strong commitment among the participating countries towards supporting multilateral research cooperation through a Pilot Joint Call (PJC) which ...
Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council seated in Sarajevo, Jelica Minic, gives an interview to the daily Dnevnik under the title "Holding Back Balkans Integration Is a Threat to the Union Itself", with some focus also on the regional research strategy for the WBC. Dnevnik daily, 6 July 2009, Interview: Jelica Minic, Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council: "Holding Back Balkans Integration Is a Threat to the Union ...
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