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In the frame of WP2, T2.4 background reports have been prepared on the national research systems in the field of social sciences and humanities, on social innovation and on priorities of SSH research. The reports have been prepared by national experts / expert teams and edited at ZSI in order to be available at the conference "Challenge Social Innovation" in Vienna. WBC-INCO.NET (2011): National Background Reports on Social Sciences and Humanities.
... products Food and drink sector Water Greening businesses Although priority will be given to SMEs and private beneficiaries, the calls for proposals are open to all legal persons located in one of the following countries: 27 EU member states Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein Albania, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Israel, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey Other non-EU countries provided they have the appropriate agreement in force. The maximum duration of an action is 36 months. Applicants should consult the website of the programme at: You can reach the details for the national contacts through this page ...
... follow You can register on the webpage or send the registration form to: Date: 30 September 2011 TransNEW Consortium and Slovenia Control Ltd. as a host is organising the Transport Research Opportunities Workshop for West Balkan Countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo), which will take place on September 30, 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Due date for registration is September 20, 2011 ...
... my region/city". Alongside the Brussels seminars and workshops organised for the OPEN DAYS 2011 European Week of Regions and cities, more than 250 local events "Europe in my region/city" are planned to take place all over the European Union and beyond (including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey). Most events are scheduled in Italy, France, Spain and Poland. The vast majority of local events (215) will be organised by partner regions and cities, while the rest (39) are held by European associations, European networks, universities and specialised agencies. Most events take the format ...
33% Fourth FP7 Monitoring Report Document 26. Aug. 2011
The fourth FP7 Monitoring Report covers the implementation of the Framework Programme in the years 2007-2010. It is based on the FP7 monitoring system, which was designed as an internal management tool using a core set of performance indicators. In section 2 this document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2010. FP7 implementation management and quality issues are the focus of section 3 and include the current situation with regard to the simplification process and ...
The main topics of this Forum, which will bring together political and economic leaders, representatives of the academia and the nongovernmental sector, as well as other relevant opinion-makers, will be along a possible Western Balkans 2020 Agenda on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and fight against organized crime, corruption and illegal migration. Under the topics of Smart Growth and Sustainable Growth the participants will discuss current issues, for example:  Smart ...
"Die inzwischen vierte Schwerpunktausgabe des ITB infoservice erscheint im Kontext der am 24. Juni 2011 unter ungarischer Ratspräsidentschaft vom Rat der Europäischen Union verabschiedeten Donauraum-Makrostrategie und fokussiert auf Forschung und Innovation als Bausteine der Integration im Donau-raum. Die 2009 initiierte und nach der Ostseestrategie nunmehr zweite in Umsetzung gebrachte EU-Makrostrategie bietet für die kommenden Jahre eine Handlungs-grundlage für die weitere Integration ...
Every 6 months, high level political dialogue meetings are organised linking the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the Western Balkan countries. The meetings are co-chaired by the European Commission, the EU Council presidency country (currently Poland) and a country from the region (for the upcoming meeting: Bosnia and Herzegovina). The meeting tookplace on December 1, 2011 in Sarajevo and brought together RTDI stakeholders from all over Europe ...
... fee of €150 (instead of the full fee of €300). On the registration forms of the training workshop and/or the brokerage event (once they are available) please make sure you tick the option ECITL Conference  Registration – reduced fee. *Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro,The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,  and Serbia Contacts: FP7 Training Workshop contact: Ms. Christina MIARITI (SEERC):  Brokerage Event contact: Ms. Kelly VAVASI (GSRT):, Evi Afentaki (GSRT):    WBC-INCO-NET  is organising a Training Workshop and a Brokerage ...
The Innovation Infrastructure reports are mapping national innovation systems and relevant stakeholders in the Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia) The main objective of these reports is to add to common understanding of the national innovation systems in the region and to map the innovation infrastructure and stakeholders. Thus, the reports aim to facilitate the identification of potential partner organisations for STI co-operations from the countries. To this ...
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