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Executive Summary The survey was carried out in two rounds, the second building on the results of the first. Two questionnaires were jointly designed by JRC-IPTS and Ivo Pilar. These addressed consecutively market and research stakeholders. Questionnaires aimed to identify research and innovation needs both of today and in the future in order to support the design of a joint action plan for the region towards 2030. A dedicated workshop shall take place in the near future with both industry and ...
... in developing the 300 MW Zhur hydropower plant. 15 applications for small hydropower plants with a total capacity of 128 MW have been registered and the first wind energy capacity (1.28 MW) started production, with additional licenses awarded for the development of 126 MW of wind power. FYR of Macedonia One of the countries that, according to the 2011 progress reports have made good progress in the energy sector is the FYR of Macedonia. The FYROM 2011 Progress Report (.PDF) notes that the Directorate of Compulsory Reserves of Oil and Oil Derivatives continued to implement the action plan that aims ...
... public debate on the accession process through providing grants to local organisations and individuals with civil society background. WHO MAY APPLY: Individuals, citizens of these 3 countries, under 40 years old (including journalists and M.A. students in the last year of their studies) Civil society organizations registered in Albania, Macedonia or Montenegro (here all non-for-profit actors are eligible) THE PROJECT OUTPUTS SHOULD BE: Policy document At the beginning of the research period (February 2012), Pontis Foundation with BCSDN and member organizations will organize training for all grantees in policy paper writing in the applicants’ countries. BCSDN and the Pontis ...
34% News from News 2. Nov. 2011
... now follow Balkanalysis on Twitter for news about the site, tips on Balkan-related jobs, and brief news briefs: @balkanalysis Some of the recent articles, interviews and briefings include Vlad Popovici on the energy sector in the EC 2011 Western Balkans progress report; an interview with Slovakia's ambassador to FYR of Macedonia, and another with the EULEX Operations Director by Chris Deliso; Lana Pasic on one year without a government in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Anita McKinna on justice issues in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244); Maria Neag's briefing with Turkey EU minister Bagis; Greek intelligence agency acquisitions by Ioannis Michaletos, Ante Raic on the ...
... the UN, remains essential. The Commission underlines the need for redoubling efforts to find a solution without further delay. Source: Reference:  MEMO/11/733    Date:  25/10/2011 "I had a productive meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mr Nikola Poposki, in which we discussed our future cooperation following the publication of the Progress Report" - Commissioner Füle stated ...
genSET - gender in science, supported by the European Science Foundation, launched a complementary, in-depth consultation on the future of research, innovation and gender in response to the EC Green Paper "From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation Funding”. This report summarises the findings. For further information, contact genSET ( ...
... expansion; the integration of further states, particularly that of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. Finally, in July 2011 the European Commission announced that on the 1st of July 2013, Croatia will be the 28th member country to join the EU. But the accession of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia can only take place once their economic situation is improved and ethnic tensions reduced. In particular Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina struggle to adhere to the special regulations which are essential preconditions for further EU accession negotiations. For Serbia, this means facing its role in the Yugoslavs ...
Eligible Countries of Research: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,  FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. In addition to engaging in research in the region, the IARO fellowship gives scholars the opportunity to increase their understanding of critical, policy relevant issues, develop and sustain international networks, and collaborate with foreign scholars on topics ...
84% Foundation Open Society - Macedonia Organisation 17. Oct. 2011
The Conclusive Summary report summarises the seven reports on mapping of the innovation infrastructures that have been prepared in summer 2011 covering several important aspects of the National Innovation Systems (NIS) and presenting the status quo of innovation institutions and programmes in the Western Balkan Countries (WBC). This report provides a brief overview on the status quo of the innovation infrastructure landscape in the WBC countries as well as highlights the most noteworthy ...
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