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36% Center for Balkan Cooperation Organisation 28. Jun. 2016
... support peaceful coexistence and prevent violence in schools. Our recent work has been focused on establishing extracurricular activities in all pedagogical faculties countrywide and transferring the knowledge to schools in Macedonia through future teachers. The main objective of these activities is to equip future teachers with the skills and competencies needed to implement intercultural activities in schools. LOJA's cultural activities are dedicated to the improvement of cultural and social life and interethnic relationships in Macedonia and the Balkan region. With its ...
... governance - a shared responsibility”. The “Employment and Social Affairs Platform” (ESAP), is a regional project financed by the European Commission to the tune of 3 million Euro and will be jointly implemented by RCC and ILO in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The project aims to strengthen regional cooperation and institutional capacities of national administrations, employers’ and workers’ organisations, enabling them to develop and effectively implement labour market and social policy reforms in their EU enlargement process. Source: RCC The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are launching ...
... Examples include the organisation of the above mentioned Connecting Youth conference in Paris or the establishment of the “Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans” (RYCO) based on the declaration signed during the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna 2015, by the Prime Ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, which is to be officially launched in July 2016 with the aim to become operational as of January 1st, 2017. Another challenge related to young people from the region is the fact that they are often formally well-educated but not necessarily equipped with the right skills needed ...
... of CoolHeating is to support the implementation of "small modular renewable heating and cooling grids" for communities in South-Eastern Europe. CoolHeating transfers knowledge from partners in countries where renewable district heating and cooling examples exist (Austria, Denmark, Germany) to countries where there are less examples in the sector (Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina). Core activities, besides techno-economical assessments, include measures to stimulate the interest of communities and citizens to set-up renewable district heating systems as well as the capacity building about financing and business models. The outcome is the initiation of new small renewable district heating and cooling grids in 5 ...
... rights, justice, democracy and public policy, as well as other important issues of human coexistence. CAS – SEE has received the support of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and the collaboration has been confirmed by a number of scientific institutions in the region (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Turkey). The CAS’ vision is to create a publicly relevant hub for high-level academic research that stimulates public discourses on topics with high societal relevance. This vision rests upon promoting freedom of research by means of offering an enabling space for innovative intellectual and scholarly reflection. More specifically, the ...
35% UNIVERSITY "Euro-Balkan" Organisation 22. Jun. 2016
Institute (1999) / University (2012) for Social Sciences and Humanities Research “Euro-Balkan” is scientific institution, certificated by the Ministry for Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia (Decision No. 33 on the incorporation in the Registry of academic and research institutions) and by the Accreditation Board for Higher Education to deliver Graduate and Postgraduate Programs. The University for Social Sciences and Humanities “Euro-Balkan” is a fully accredited higher education institution committed to the strengthening of academic excellence ...
... or doctoral thesis. The submitted work shall deal with the topic of European economic integration. Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia or Ukraine. The Oesterreichische Nationalbank shall receive the work submitted for this award, by September 16, 2016, and the work shall be sent by e-mail or in hard copy to Ms Eva Gehringer-Wasserbauer, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Foreign Research Division ...
34% European Women’s Lobby Organisation 21. Jun. 2016
... the Council of Europe, the EWL plays an instrumental role at the international level. The full members of the EWL are the only member associations with voting rights. The full membership consists of: National Co-ordinations in the 28 EU member states and 3 candidate countries (including Serbia and FYR of Macedonia); European-wide organisations. Source: EWL ...
... for technology transfer and intellectual property (IP) commercialisation professionals from universities, research centres or investors. Professionals from the Danube region and the Western Balkan countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) will be given a priority. Successful applicants are expected to demonstrate experience in the areas of IP management and commercialisation. How to apply: Should you want to apply to participate in the training for Part 1 and / or Part 2 or at an individual session of the Innovation Week, please ...
36% Report - Gender Equality Index for Serbia Document 15. Jun. 2016
The Republic of Serbia is the first country outside the European Union which has introduced the EU Index of Gender Equality. Here is the First Report on the Index of Gender Equality in the Republic of Serbia for 2016. The Gender Equality Index is a measuring instrument of the European Union which measures gender equality on a scale of 1 (complete inequality) to 100 (complete equality) in six domains: knowledge, work, money, health, time, power, and two satellite domains: violence and ...
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