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This paper has been prepared at the request of UNESCO (Venice and Moscow Offices) and the International Council for Science (ICSU) to provide input for discussions at the Conference of the Academies of Sciences of Eastern and South Eastern Europe on the theme “Global Science and National Policies: the Role of Academies”, that took place in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, on 4 and 5 May 2007, by the Moldovan Academy of Sciences. The paper focuses on the role of Academies of Sciences, both in ...
This report shows the progress made by Europe’s universities in implementing the Bologna reforms, and outlines the main challenges ahead. It is thus a significant publication for all those concerned with European higher education, whether universities and students, or governments, business and industry, or other stakeholders. It mirrors issues addressed by the stocktaking exercise of the Bologna governments - degree structures, Bologna tools, quality and recognition. In addition it also ...
... customs standards. The program seeks to reduce non-tariff costs to trade and transport, reduce smuggling and corruption at border crossings, and strengthen and modernize the customs administrations and other border control agencies. The initial participants in the program include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Romania. Moldova and Serbia and Montenegro joined the Program in 2003. The program is the result of a collaborative effort between the national governments in the region, the World Bank, and the United States in collaboration with the European Union. The project is concluded in September 30, 2005, further ...
The list projects selected by the European Commission in 2006 was published in July 2007. Projects are involving 1244-Kosovo/UNMIKBosnia-HerzegovinaCroatiaMontenegroFYR of MacedoniaSerbia or more than one partner country European Commission (2007): List of Tempus CARDS Joint European Projects selected by the European Commission in 2006. Available from:, accessed August 29, 2007. EC, Tempus ...
This UN publication leads us through the journey of innovation by analysing the challenges and opportunities that governments in this region have faced to improve their public administration systems. All the innovations highlighted in this publication are significant – whether the innovation is large or small, in one government institution or across the board, a successful transformation or merely a small, first step on the way to reform - they indicate each country’s willingness to change, to ...
... x40; On July 26, 2007, the newly enlarged and amended Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA 2006) came into force for five parties in South Eastern Europe: Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and UNMIK/Kosovo ...
This is a power point presentation held at the European Economic Forum in Nova Gorica on May 30, 2007. It focuses on research at EU level, presents Commission Strategy and the Framework Programme, budget for FP7 and FP participants. Last but not the least it states reasons why is it important to participate FP7. EC (2007): The Seventh Framework Programme for candidate and potential candidate countries. EC
The conference is aimed to encourage development, cooperation and mutual assistance among the countries, industries and companies of South and East Europe and Black Sea Region. The conference will include contributed paper sessions, invited and plenary presentations, round tables and panels. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings after their presentation at the Conference. The Editorial Board of South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE), the official journal of ...
... to individual Association Agreements (not the same as to the EU Framework Programmes for RTD). Croatia has expressed and formed an interest in joining, and discussions have been initiated in view of formalising an agreement in 2007. Update from EC Officials: "In fact the current planning is for Croatia and Macedonia to join this autumn and possibly all the others (with exception of Kosovo/UNMIK) to join in 2008 ...
34% Centre for Research and Policy Making Organisation 3. Aug. 2007
... Macedonians to acquire and apply knowledge and skills for evidence based research and policy analysis. The standpoint from which it approaches certain issues is principled. The organization considers peace and stability as the first principles that should reign in the Balkan countries, and believes that the major political goal of Macedonia is the integration with the European Union."Source: Self-entry in August 2007 ...
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