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Search past events in Albania.
Economic Policy Research Institute presents new approaches for the FYR of Macedonia, on the field of research and economic policy by bringing people, organizations, ideas, enthusiasm, good will and hard-work together for a better future of our country. If we have to describe our methods of work in one sentence: EPRI is a herald of new moral and change in the Macedonian ...
... present research projects already funded by the RRPP as well as to network with fellow colleagues. The conference had been organised by the RRPP Management from the University in Fribourg together with the two Local Coordination Units in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Human Rights Centre, University of Sarajevo) and FYR of Macedonia (Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia). After the conference opening by the RRPP Director, Prof. Nicolas Hayoz from the University of Fribourg, and a welcoming note by the Head of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) office in FYR of Macedonia, Mr Romain Darbellay, key speakers addressed two topics that were subsequently examined in ...
In its recent FP7 Progress Report, the EC included an analysis of the key achievements it has made in its efforts to facilitate participation in the Framework Programme. So far, the period has seen the establishment of the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) and the Research Executive Agency (REA). In addition, recent months have seen the launch of a new Participants Portal, with the aim of providing one central point of contact between all participants and the EC. It already ...
... Leuven, Belgium Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey University of Bologna, Italy University of Granada, Spain University of Groningen, The Netherlands University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia University of Turku, Finland Vilnius University, Lithuania Western Balkan Universities Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia University of Belgrade, Serbia University of Montenegro, Montenegro University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Novi Sad, Serbia University of Prishtina, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999) University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Tirana, Albania University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Source and further information: http://www.joineusee ...
The CLUNET INNO-Net project, together with a number of associate members of the European Cluster Alliance (ECA), have prepared a report on improving cluster infrastructure through cluster policy. The report puts forward and tests a cluster support environment model that is not a one-size-fits-all model. Instead, it is one that can be tailored, developed in part or in totality for regions either embarking on cluster development in their infancy or looking to move forward to a more mature cluster ...
The strategic objectives of the TRABOREMA Project are: 1. Form successful and enduring partnerships within the consortium and to interested parties such as authorities, policy makers and public participants within countries of the target region and to EU member states to help settle political and social sit uation in the Western Balkans. 2. Communicate the importance of integrated water management (which incorporates waste and energy) as a theme of common interest to contribute to sustainable ...
As of July 10, 2009 a new "Minister for Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia" has been appointed: Mr. Nikola Todorov.
... hand, Western Balkan Public Administrations and Suppliers to easily adopt and use interoperable, user-friendly, secure and EU compliant electronic Public Procurement solutions". The usability of the ELLECTRA-WeB Application Framework will be demonstrated by developing, testing and evaluating 4 distinct electronic Public Procurement solutions in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia, respectively. The ELLECTRA-WeB project involves 3 EU technology partners, 4 IT consulting companies / research organizations from the Western Balkan Region and public administrations representing all Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Serbia. Western Balkan countries in view of their path to ...
... locations in South East Europe, relating the mountainous and complex structure of terrain, the characterization of local wind systems like "Bora" and the more efficient and reliable operation of large scale wind turbine. The existing wind potential areas in the former Yugoslav republics (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia/Montenegro, Bosnia/Herzegovina and Macedonia) are mostly situated in karst regions with steep and cliffy rocks and complex terrain. The prevailing wind conditions at these sites are mainly caused by local wind systems generated by different levels in temperature and air pressure between the Adriatic Sea and the mainland of the bordering countries. SEEWIND http ...
... service will be developed according to the Service-Oriented Architecture approach that allows for easy access and seamless integration with legacy systems. The RACWeB project involves 4 EU technology/scientific partners, 4 central customs administrations along with 3 IT consulting companies / research organizations from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia respectively. The duration of the project is 30 months. The RACWeB project aims to improve the Western Balkans and EU neighbouring countries customs efficiency and transparency in risk assessment by enhancing the identification of risk profiles through the utilisation of data mining techniques and by developing an advanced, web-based risk ...