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... The mini country reports had the objective to furnish three analytical reports with country specific information: a trend report on innovation policy in the EU, an overview report on innovation funding in the EU and an analytical thematic report on demand-side innovation policies. Attached please find the mini-country report for Albania. Author: Jonida Narazani, Julia Culver, Zef Preci, Nomisma S.p.A.
The Erasmus Mundus programme aims to promote European higher education, to help improve the career prospects of students by enabling them to study abroad at top-class institutions, to foster quality and capacity in higher education through academic cooperation and exchanges and to promote intercultural understanding. The latest Call for Proposals for the 2012 selection of joint programmes, partnerships and projects under all three Actions of the programme was launched in December 2011, with a ...
NNO-Policy TrendChart produced 'mini country reports' for each of the 48 countries monitored by the network of country correspondents in the second half of 2011. The mini country reports had the objective to furnish three analytical reports with country specific information: a trend report on innovation policy in the EU, an overview report on innovation funding in the EU and an analytical thematic report on demand-side innovation policies. Attached please find the mini-country report for Bosnia ...
Executive Summaries: WBC Albania The European Union (EU), which Albania aspires to join, has set clear objectives related to research and innovation as part of the “Europe 2020 Strategy” that seeks to make the EU the most competitive economy in the world. Albania has made significant progress in transition reforms in recent years, but important challenges remain. The ...
... a cross border dimmenssion and it is implemented on the EU and Balkan states' territory from December 1, 2011 untill September 30, 2012. The organizers are looking for 100 young people, students or university graduates, age between 18-30 years, resident in one of the EU countries or Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Montenegro, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia), interested to join them in a exciting project. All the costs related to accommodation, meals, free time events and handbooks are going to be covered by the organisers. Also, travel ...
This new edition of the Guide to EU-Funding opportunities includes a full up-to-date picture of the three sources of funding described in the initial Guide (7th Research Framework Programme, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and Structural Funds) completed by information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and on the European Fisheries Fund. It also focuses on additional funding opportunities in the field of research and innovation. It includes information ...
... FYR of Macedonia might sign the Memorandum in due time. Recently, FYR of Macedonia has confirmed their intention to participate in the Lifelong Learning Programme as of 2012, and are now in the process of completing the formal steps to become LLP participating countries. The European Commission has announced that Albania will not participate in the Call 2012. For applications to be submitted, this means that organisations from Albania cannot participate as full partners in the applications, but have to be treated as Third Country partners together with remaining WBC. More information are available at ...
... are lagging behind the leading countries. They are rather familiar with the development of some component of NIS (e.g. research systems) but they are beginners (or moderate) in other components especially those related to science-industry cooperation. The third group of countries are small and geographically isolated economies (Albania and Kosovo UN Res.1244) whose innovation systems are in the beginning phase (Albania) or infancy (Kosovo UN Res.1244). Despite differences, WBC share many similarities that provide a platform for mutual cooperation and possible development of the regional innovation system. One of the most substantial similarities is a ...
... good practices from the EU Member States (especially The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Sweden) and the second part presents 24 practice examples from the Western Balkan countries. A selection of these examples will be presented and discussed during a High Level Review Meeting on April 4 and 5, 2012 in Tirana/Albania. In order to prepare the Review Meeting, the Working Group of T8.2 (UNU-MERIT, MPI, BMBF and PT-DLR) met in Maastricht on February 15, 2012. After the High Level Meeting in Tirana in April a second review meeting is foreseen in the FYR of Macedonia in autumn in order to ...
... in 2009. By the end of 2011, preaccession assistance allocated to those countries since 2007 added up to a total of €7.461 billion. Assistance given to candidate countries and potential candidates in 2011, including both national and cross-border cooperation programmes: IPA 2011 allocations (in current prices; million €) Albania 94.43 Bosnia and Herzegovina 107.43 Croatia 156.53 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 98.03 Iceland 12.00 Kosovo 68.70 Montenegro 34.15 Serbia 201.88 Turkey 779.90 Multi-beneficiary programme (*) 186.27 Total 1 739.32 (*) Allocation for transition assistance and institution building, excluding cross-border cooperation ...
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