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Please find enclosed all deliverables of the project Virtual Balkan Power Centre for Advance of Renewable Energy Sources in Western Balkans, under the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 6, Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems. The project ran from January 2005 to December 2007. Deliverables of the project Virtual Balkan Power Centre for Advance of Renewable Energy Sources in Western Balkans (FP6): (13.03.2008) Virtual Balkan Power Centre for Advance of ...
... to be met by all the countries in the region in order to gradually advance towards visa liberalisation. This would enable the Council and the Commission to closely monitor progress in necessary reforms. Visa facilitation and readmission agreements Visa facilitation and readmission agreements were signed between the EU and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia on 18/9/2007 and entered into force on 1/1/2008. The visa facilitation agreements will make it easier to issue short-term visas for citizens of the Western Balkan countries and introduce a reduced fee of €35 for visa applications ...
47% Reminder: Erasmus Mundus programme News 11. Mar. 2008
... have been allocated to grant up to 100 scholarships for postgraduate students from the Western Balkans each year to follow Erasmus Mundus master courses, starting in the academic year 2007-08 (Western Balkans window): academic year 2007-08: the Decision adopted on 14.12.2006 (CARDS 2006, EUR 4 million) covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo.academic year 2008-09: the Decision adopted on 5.11.2007 (IPA 2007, EUR 4 million) extended eligibility to Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Exchanges of up to 500 undergraduate and graduate students, doctoral and post-doctoral candidates and academic staff between the EU and ...
Please find attached the press release text in order to inform about our initiatives in your networks. It would be great if you could inform us briefly about your communications: Elke Dall Project coordinator WBC-INCO.NET c/o Centre for Social Innovation Linke Wienzeile 246, A-1150 Vienna. Austria. Many thanks in advance! We would like to ask our readers - YOU! - to also inform on their websites and in their networks on the start of WBC-INCO.NET project. In our press release we ...
... cultural studies, gender studies, economics, history, political science, international relations, psychology, public administration, philosophy, social work, sociology, public health, human rights & public law, or journalism/media studies. The program does not support scholars in philology, the visual and performing arts, or business. The program may operate in: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo/UNMIK, Kyrgyzstan, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan and Ukraine. AFP fellows are placed in carefully selected university departments that are amenable to change and demonstrate a realistic and clear vision for future development. The program, which represents part of a conscious strategy ...
... a total population of 200 million and presents one of the most diverse and complex transnational co-operation areas in Europe. It is the only transnational programme area with such a large number of non-EU countries participating (candidates, potential candidates and third countries). The eligible area for TCP-SEE comprises Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, parts of Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Moldova and parts of Ukraine. The operational programme can be found in the document service of at (registration is for free). For further information ...
Following the launch of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries on June 26, 2006 in Vienna, jointly by the Austrian Council Presidency and the European Commission, the German Council Presidency and the European Commission jointly held the first regular meeting of the Steering Platform on March 29, 2007 in Berlin/Germany.The meeting was held back to back with the meeting of the Steering Board of the SEE-ERA.Net. Here you find the FINAL minutes of the meeting adopted at ...
The participants noted that the Stability Pact through its activities since 1999 had significantly contributed to the stabilisation of South Eastern Europe. The overall socio-economic situation as well as security in the region has improved and the Euro-Atlantic integration of South Eastern European countries is well on track. From March on, the Regional Co-operation Council will play a key role in consolidating achievements of the Stability Pact to date and in making further progress in the ...
Find enclosed the Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries which took place on 29 October, 2007 in Thessaloniki Greece. Conference organiser were the General Secretariat for Research and Technology and the Greek Ministry of Development. Minutes of the Steering Plattform Meeting on Research for the Westn Balkan Countries in Thessaloniki, 2008 ZSI
The regional approach is based on integrated policy from a regional perspective, aimed at promoting peace, stability and sustainable development in the Western Balkans. It encompasses Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro and Kosovo. In the Balkans, political, military, development cooperation and economic instruments are used in an integrated manner. Strategy for the Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in South East Europe, available from: ...
The main motivation for regional cooperation in the Western Balkans is providedby the EU, formulating it as conditional for the countries’ EU accession aspirations.Economically, this claim includes the establishment of regional free trade agreements (RTAs)whose direct economic effects are twofold and limited: Whereas inflows of FDI are likely toincrease due to a bigger market, an increase of interregional trade will be moderate and mighteven stall microeconomic restructuring. To gain ...
48% EBRD Transition Report 2007 Document 27. Feb. 2008
This report provides macroeconomic indicators and performance tables on GDP growth, inflation, account balances, FDI, etc. of Central eastern Europe and the Baltic states, South-Eastern Europe and Commonwealth and of Indipendent States and Mongolia. EBRD Transition Report 2007, available from: (27.02.2008) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ...
Doing Business 2007: How to Reform is the fourth in a seriesof annual reports investigating the regulations that enhancebusiness activity and those that constrain it. Doing Businesspresents quantitative indicators on business regulations and theprotection of property rights that can be compared across 175economies—from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe—and over time. Doing Business 2007 Overview, available from: ...
As a response, this publication aims to address some common misunderstandings aboutuniversity–enterprise cooperation, to offer an understanding of its concepts, and to offeradvice on how best to apply these.It tries to explain how university-enterprise cooperation has evolved in the EU – not on apolitical whim, but as a creative response from the world of learning to its changing roleand environment. It explains the principles of university-enterprise cooperation and offerspractical examples, ...
The present paper with the findings of the research on “Stimulating YouthEntrepreneurship: Barriers and Incentives to Enterprise Start-ups by Young People”continues the SEED Series on Youth and Entrepreneurship initiated in 2003 by a researchon awareness and promotion programmes in formal and non-formal education entitled“Facilitating Youth Entrepreneurship”, thus contributing to the knowledge about creationof youth employment opportunities through entrepreneurship development. Stimulating ...
... Committee of Ministers is responsible for all steps and decisions necessary to ensure the implementation and promotion of the CEEPUS II programme and for the approval of evaluation reports and the restructuring of the programme. It meets at least once a year.Currently CEEPUS has 14 member countries Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republicand Slovenia. Discussion about the inclusion of UNMIK/Kosovo is currently ongoing. Further information: The 14th Meeting of the Joint Committee of Ministers will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on February ...
... growth and poverty reduction, as well as associatedexternal financing needs and major sources of financing. This country document for Bosnia andHerzegovina, dated March, 2004, is being made available on the IMF website by agreement with themember country as a service to users of the IMF website. Mid-term Development Strategy of Bosnia & Herzegovina 2004-2007, available from: (26.02.2008) Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
This report provided by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH deliveres background information on the higher education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. BiH- National Report on Higher Education: 2005-2007, available from: Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH
The attached Joint Staff Assessment (JSA) of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper for Bosnia andHerzegovina, prepared by the staffs of both the World Bank and IMF, was submitted with themember country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) or Interim PRSP (IPRSP) to theExecutive Boards of the two institutions. A JSA evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a country'spoverty reduction objectives and strategies, and considers ...
Within the joint EC/CoE project “Strengthening Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina” a working group was formed in May 2006 to draft the national action plan for improving the quality of the process associated with the recognition of foreign qualifications. The working group includes representatives of education authorities and of higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At its first meeting the ...
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