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This new edition of the Guide to EU-Funding opportunities includes a full up-to-date picture of the three sources of funding described in the initial Guide (7th Research Framework Programme, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and Structural Funds) completed by information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and on the European Fisheries Fund. It also focuses on additional funding opportunities in the field of research and innovation. It includes information ...
... take part? The awards let you show your commitment towards a cleaner environment, inspire others and get recognised at EU level. It also gives your hard work the visibility it deserves. But don’t just take our word for it – here’s how one of last year’s winners from Serbia feel about the awards. "This was remarkable year for us, and the EU Award helped us a lot. We appeared on the BBC as well as on China National Television. We worked a lot on promoting sustainable energy in Serbia and its region. There are three Strawberry Trees now (In ...
... This means that the formal steps have been completed for Serbia's participation in the Lifelong Learning Programme. Consequently, organisations in Serbia are eligible to participate as partners in the relevant centralised actions of the LLP Call 2012, as outlined on page 8 (1.6 New Countries) in the Instructions for completing the Application Form and its attachments and in the Explanations by action.  This means that organisations from Serbia can ...
72% Institute fro oncology and radiology of Serbia Organisation 24. Feb. 2012
... NIS)  and governance abilities to advance innovation competences. The comparative analysis of the main components of NIS (research sub-system, sub-system for research-driven and non-research driven innovation) distinguishes tentatively three groups of countries in terms of performance of innovation systems. Croatia and Serbia belong to first group which develops a complex innovation systems, yet not fully functional in all parts. Their role and activities will be crucial for the development of regional cooperation within the WB region. B&H and FYR Macedonia and Montenegro form the second group of ...
In order to promote particularly the good practices from the target region of the Western Balkans we decided to present them in a printed booklet and to share them with policy makers all over Europe. As part of WBC-INCO.NET’s Work Package (WP) 8 on Innovation support, a number of good practice examples of programmes, instruments and measures aiming at supporting innovation activities have been collected and compiled in Deliverable D8.50. The examples are presented in two parts: the first part ...
... to candidate countries and potential candidates in 2011, including both national and cross-border cooperation programmes: IPA 2011 allocations (in current prices; million €) Albania 94.43 Bosnia and Herzegovina 107.43 Croatia 156.53 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 98.03 Iceland 12.00 Kosovo 68.70 Montenegro 34.15 Serbia 201.88 Turkey 779.90 Multi-beneficiary programme (*) 186.27 Total 1 739.32 (*) Allocation for transition assistance and institution building, excluding cross-border cooperation. Assistance to the Turkish Cypriot community for social and economic development in 2011 was €28 million. ...
... a duration of 12 months and are addressed to experienced researchers (researchers already in possession of a PhD or having at least 4 years of professional research experience) from CEI Member States (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine). Deadline: April 30, 2012 ...
The Parliament Magazine published on February 20, 2012 covers several pages on the enlargement of the European Union. The Parliament Magazine
28% Economics Institute Banja Organisation 16. Feb. 2012
... study on social aspects of new tariff system in electricity consumption. With political and economic stabilization, the Institute has resumed the cooperation with research and consulting institutions in Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, with several projects which have already been jointly implemented with institutions from Sweden, Norway, Serbia, Montenegro etc. Newly established economic system and overall stabilization of circumstances have shifted the Institute toward ownership and organizational restructuring, and in 2001 it was transformed into the join-stock company. Achieved development level and project references are the basis for future development of the Institute being the leading research and ...
... The Energy Pre-Check will start in 2012 and will be provided by the Chambers of Commerce in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.Energy Pre-check (part of an energy audit) Experts from the Chambers of Commerce will guide businesses in their regions of competence along the path of outlining an efficient energy use strategy. Energy pre-check offers selected companies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia a ...
... a comparative assessment of the innovation performance of the EU27 Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. The IUS includes innovation indicators and trend analyses for the EU27 Member States, as well as for Croatia, Iceland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. It also includes comparisons based on a more reduced set of indicators between the EU27 and 10 global competitors.
... the EU27 Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. In this way, it complements the Europe 2020 Annual Growth Survey and helps Member States assess areas in which they need to concentrate to boost their innovation performance. In addition, the Scoreboard covers Croatia, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. On a more limited number of indicators available internationally it also covers Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the US. What are the main indicators used for the Innovation Union Scoreboard? The Innovation Union ...
ZSI is seeking to sub-contract a team of three experts: a foresight  expert; an ICT expert with a good overview of ICT policies in the SEE  region and an expert to bridge Foresight and ICT. Expert profiles Under this call, three external experts will be selected by an international selection committee: Expert 1 (team leader): profile in developing Foresight methodologies Expert 2 (team member): profile in ICT in South East European Countries (SEE) Expert 3 (team member): profile in ...
The development of Good Practices in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility among the largest companies operating in Serbia was launched by the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit and the Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA). The main goal was to identify and systematize socially responsible practices among the largest companies in Serbia, making them more visible in public, and to encourage the business sector to get involved more in such practices. Database in serbian language only ("Baza dobrih ...
The Government of Serbia established the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit (SIPRU) within the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration in July 2009. The SIPRU is mandated to strengthen Government capacities to develop and implement social inclusion policies based on good practices in Europe. Furthermore, the SIPRU provides support to ...
Civic Initiatives, the Ministry of Finance and the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit, together with national and international partners, have prepared the seventh edition of the Review of Potential Domestic and Foreign Funding Opportunities, intended for NGOs, Local Governments, SMEs and Entrepreneurs in Serbia. The Review aims to contribute to a higher awareness of all partners and shall provide insight into resources for implementing various program and project activities placed at disposal of non-government organizations, municipalities, small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs and individuals. Available in serbian language: Vodič kroz potencijalne domaće i inostrane ...
... Agriculture Climate Change Environmental Performance Index– Ranking & Scores (p.11) EPI Rank WB countries: (out of 132 countries) Albania: 15 (Top 10 Trend Index Performers) Bosnia & Herzegovina: 129 (Lowest 10 Trend Index Decliners) Croatia: 20 FYR of Macedonia: 97 Kosovo (UNSCR 1244): n.a. Montenegro: n.a Serbia: 103 (data for Serbia and Montenegro)
84% Ecological Movement of Novi Sad, Serbia Organisation 3. Feb. 2012
... Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Sad was founded on 21st  April 1990 at the time of great political turmoil, fall apart of the political system and the country itself. This makes it one of the oldest non-governmental environmental organizations to be founded in former Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbia. From the very beginning, it had set out to represent the interests of the citizens of Novi Sad in the local parliament –where decisions were being made affecting the urban environment and consequently the quality of life of its inhabitants. The representative of the Ecological Movement - as a citizens ...
... Austria, Germany, Italy, to a lesser extent Greece and in some cases Sweden. It goes without saying that they have also developed active links with the other big EU countries such as France, Spain and the United Kingdom and always show a clear interest in Western EU countries. Croatia and Serbia , by contrast, have also managed to develop activities on their Eastern and North‐Eastern side starting with Bulgaria and Romania and upwards North with Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
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